Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback on this project

We received a total of 378 submissions about the proposal to revoke the reserve status and return Reserve 4622, Pūrau Bay to Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke. Submissions were made by 370 individuals and the following organisations:

  • Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
  • Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke
  • Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka Inc
  • Canterbury Regional Council
  • Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
  • Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust
  • Hidden Valley Trust
  • Java Dance Theatre

We also received a petition from Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke with 82 signatories, of which 14 also made a submission.

What you told us

Overall, 96.3 % (365) supported the proposal, 2.3 % (9) didn't support it and 1.1% (5) were unsure.

Common views shared during early conversations and consultation were:

  • The reserve is of high cultural and historical significance to Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke and should be recognised and respected as such.
  • The reserve is an ancestral urupā / burial site of at least one rangatira and possibly more and viewed as wāhi tapu/ sacred site, some noting they thought it was already owned and maintained by the hapū.
  • As mana whenua and original owners of the land, Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke should be the owners moving forward so that they are able to carry out tikanga and their full kaitiaki responsibilities in protecting and maintaining the site both now and for future generations.
  • A lack of confidence that Council will carry out the proposal as outlined in the consultation.
  • An alternative classification (‘historic') and management model suggested.
  • Concern about sea level rise and the lack of public amenity if the reserve status was changed and did not include compensation by provision of other public reserve(s).

You can read a more detailed summary of the feedback we received in the Community Board meeting agenda at the bottom of this webpage, which includes the staff report. To read all the feedback we received, you can download the following Submissions table.

Meeting details and decision making process

A staff report recommending approval for the proposal to revoke the reserve status and return Reserve 4622, Pūrau Bay to Te Hāpu o Ngāti Wheke will be presented to the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board.

Date: Monday 27 January

Time: 10:00am

Venue: Mohoao Auditorium, Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Rd

This is a public meeting, and everyone is welcome. If you would like to speak at the meeting, please contact the Community Board Advisor, Liz Beaven by emailing or phoning 03 941 6601.

You can read the meeting agenda below.

The final decision will be recorded in the meeting's minutes, and made available here three working days after the meeting.