This site is owned and operated by Christchurch City Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint.

For details on how Christchurch City Council collects and protects your personal information, refer to their Privacy Policy.

For details of how Social Pinpoint may access personal information, please refer to Social Pinpoint’s Privacy Policy.

Privacy statement

Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Contact details are provided to elected members with your feedback to be considered when making a decision. We will also contact you with updates about the decision.

Following consultation, submissions are published on council websites, including all feedback, names and organisation names (if applicable).

Your feedback will be made public so please do not include any personal information you would prefer to keep private.

While contact details will not be published, if requested through the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, full submissions, including contact details must be supplied.

If there are good reasons why your personal details and/or feedback should be kept confidential, please contact our Engagement Manager on (03) 941 8999 or 0800 800 169 (Banks Peninsula).