Consultation closed
People were able to provide feedback from 7 November to 5 December.
Summary of feedback
Submissions were made by six recognised organisations, one local business, two schools – Avonside Girls and Shirley Boys High School and 156 individuals. Submitters were asked how safe they feel travelling through the intersection now, compared to how safe they think they would feel if the proposed changes were made. Overall, 44% of submitters felt the proposal was safer than the current intersection compared to 33% of submitters who felt the proposal was less safe. The other 23% didn’t indicate their preference either way.
You can read the staff report and all submitter feedback to learn more.
Way safer for everyone
No one expects a crash, but people make mistakes, including those who are careful and responsible drivers, and these mistakes shouldn't cost anyone their lives.
You're more likely to have a crash at an intersection than any other part of the road, regardless of whether you're driving, walking, or cycling. This means we need to slow traffic down, as lower speeds improve survival rates, reduce serious harm to everyone and will make people feel safer using the intersection. This intersection is frequently used by vulnerable road users, including children, the elderly and those with visual or mobility challenges, making safety an even higher priority.
This time last year, we consulted on our Safe Speed Neighbourhood programme, and we heard that the community want the Travis / Bower / Rookwood roundabout to be made safer for all users, particularly at school times.
This roundabout is used by high numbers of drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, including those getting to and from Shirley Boys and Avonside Girls High School, the QEII Recreation Centre, and New Brighton township so we need to make sure everyone gets to where they want to go safely.
- A safe speed platform entering and exiting of the roundabout.
- Replacing the separate left-turn and straight ahead / right turn lane from Travis Road to Bower Avenue with a single lane for all vehicle movements. This will widen the footpath here and cater for the large number of pedestrians that use the intersection before and after school.
- Larger pedestrian refuge islands at each of the four approaches to the roundabout, where the current flush medians are positioned. This will allow more people to cross the road safely during peak times such as before and after school and narrow the road to slow traffic down.
- Low curb extensions on the Bower Avenue entrance to BP petrol station on Bower Avenue and outside Hopman Motors on Rookwood Avenue, to slow vehicles travelling towards the roundabout and give all road users more time before merging. These curb extensions will also prevent vehicles turning too early and mounting the kerb, minimising the chance of a vehicle-pedestrian crash.
- Sharrow (shared bike and car lane) markings at each approach to the roundabout to indicate that cyclists need to merge into the traffic lane so they can ride through the roundabout.
Next steps
Once the public feedback period closes on 5 December 2023, we will analyse the feedback which will be considered by the Waitai Coastal Burwood Linwood Community Board as part of a staff report. The community board will then decide whether to continue with the project.