Consultation open

We’ve been hearing from Bryndwr Road residents about their concerns and the challenges they face negotiating the deep-dish kerb and channel, the road camber and flooding on the road. As a result, late last year, the Waimaero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board agreed to prioritise work to improve Bryndwr Road. Following a full assessment of the street condition, Bryndwr Road met the criteria for full renewal.

We're now wanting to find out if there is anything residents would like improved on the street while we are completing the renewal work. We can’t do everything, but a full renewal includes the road, footpaths, kerb and channels, drainage pipes, berms, streetlights, signs, markings, landscaping and street trees. So, if there's any part of these features you would like changed – now is your chance to let us know.

Next steps

When it's ready, we will share our draft plan for the renewal on our website - before the Community Board decides whether to approve the plan. If there are significant changes proposed for Bryndwr Road, we may also ask for your feedback. If you would like to receive an email when our plan is ready, please provide feedback, or if you are just wanting to stay in the loop, you can ‘follow’ the project to receive updates by clicking the 'follow' button above.

Tell us what you think