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Consultation closed

Consultation on Safer intersections around Church Corner has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 9 November to 7 December 2023. During this time, we heard from 304 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback and the staff recommendation as part of the agenda for the 15 February Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board meeting.

The Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board, under its delegation, unanimously approved upgrades around Riccarton, Hansons, Waimairi and Curletts Roads including:

  1. Removing the slip lane from Riccarton Road into Waimairi Road
  2. Installing safe speed platforms at the approaches to the intersection
  3. Installing speed humps on Angela Street, Brake Street and Leslie Street
  4. Making changes to parking on Waimairi Road, and also to the bus stop and shelter on Waimairi Road at the Bush Inn Centre.
  5. The slip lane from Main South Road into Curletts Road will also be removed and a left turning lane installed at the lights.

On Wednesday 15 May, Council approved:

  1. A new signalised crossing on Waimairi Road at the Bush Inn Centre
  2. Adding on-road cycle lanes on Waimairi Road from Riccarton Road to Bowen Street
  3. Installing a short section of bus lane on Riccarton Road

You can read the meeting agenda including the Community Board report (item5) - Read the report here.

Options for changes at the Main South, Yaldhurst and Riccarton Road intersection at Church Corner will be presented to the Council in a separate report, at a future meeting.

This report is expected to be presented to Councillors in the next few months.

Way safer for everyone

This is a busy area with many people travelling to school, work, the local shops or across the community. We want people to get where they are going safely, regardless of how they travel.

You're more likely to have a crash at an intersection than any other part of the road, regardless of whether you're driving, walking, or cycling. This means we need to slow traffic down, as lower speeds improve survival rates, reduce serious harm to everyone and will make people feel safer using the intersection. These areas are frequently used by vulnerable road users, including children, the elderly and those with visual or mobility challenges, making safety an even higher priority.

Over the last ten years there have been 35 crashes at the Riccarton Road / Hansons Lane / Waimairi Road intersection. The main types of crashes were people turning at the intersection and crashing with people travelling through. Unfortunately a person travelling on a motorcycle was recently killed at the intersection and another motorcyclist was seriously injured.

At the Main South Road and Yaldhurst Road intersection there have been 81 crashes over the same ten-year period. 70 of the 81 crashes involved vehicles turning right from Main South and crashing with vehicles on Riccarton Road. Two people were seriously injured including one person riding a bicycle.

The local community have raised safety concerns about pedestrian access along Waimairi Road. A large number of pedestrians use this area and cross Waimairi Road to get to the Bush Inn Centre.

We want to make these intersections and crossing points around Church Corner way safer for everyone.

Fly through the design

Overview - safer intersections around Church Corner

Scheme plan showing changes

What we're planning

  • Safe speed platforms on all approaches to the intersection to encourage drivers to travel at safer speeds.
  • Removing the slip lane from Riccarton Road into Waimairi Road at the corner nearest to Anytime Fitness so vehicles will need to turn at the traffic lights. This will make it safer for pedestrians.
  • On-road cycle lanes on Waimairi Road from Riccarton Road.
  • Replacing the angled parking on Waimairi Road (by Anytime Fitness) with parallel parking to make it safer for all road users travelling north. This removes five car parks.
  • Improving the eastbound bus stop on Riccarton Road by changing the kerb and renewing the footpath at the bus stop. Provide space for two buses.
  • Speed humps on Angela Street, Brake Street and Leslie Street to encourage safe speeds in the residential streets with increased pedestrians.

Artist's impression - view of changes at Riccarton/Hansons intersection from Riccarton Road east.

Artist's impression - view of changes at Riccarton/Waimairi intersection looking towards House of Travel

Artist's impression - view of speed hump on Leslie Street looking towards Waimairi Road.

  • Removing vehicle access from Main South Road through to Riccarton Road and left onto Yaldhurst Road. This will simplify the road layout and stop vehicles weaving in this short section. People can still travel west from Riccarton Road onto Main South Road.

Traffic modelling has been undertaken to understand the impacts of removing vehicle access to Riccarton Road from Main South Road. The modelling indicates that some traffic will turn left at the Main South Road and Curletts Road intersection to turn right into Yaldhurst Road, while other longer distance traffic is likely to choose to use Blenheim Road. The modelling has shown that this additional traffic can be accommodated within the existing operation of the traffic lights with minimal delay to people’s journey time.

  • Adding a zebra crossing on Yaldhurst Road and a median island crossing further west to assist people wanting to access the bus stop.

Artist's impression - view of changes from Riccarton Road looking towards Main South Road and Yaldhurst Road.

Artist's impression - bird's eye view of changes at the Riccarton/Main South/Yaldhurst intersection.

The changes listed above will mean drivers heading towards Riccarton will need to turn left from Main South Road at the Curletts Road intersection. To make it safer we're removing the slip lane from Main South Road into Curletts Road and providing a left turn lane at the signals. This requires the removal of one tree in Waka Kotahi Road reserve.

Artist's impression - view of removed slip lane at the Main South Road and Curletts Road intersection

  • Installing a signalised crossing on a safe speed platform
  • Relocating the bus stop and shelter to north of the new crossing point.
  • Adding on-road cycle lanes between Leslie and Bowen Street

Artist's impression - view of new signalised crossing on safe speed platform on Waimairi Road.

Waka Kotahi are also planning safety improvements at SH73 Yaldhurst Road/Peer Street intersection. They plan to install raised safety platforms at each approach to the intersection. To find out more information about this project, head to

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