Consultation closed
People were able to provide feedback from 19 December 2024 to 10 February 2025. You will be able to read their feedback and the staff recommendation once an agenda is available for the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood meeting, which we expect to be in April 2025.
Earlier this year, we engaged with stakeholders and the community to understand how we could better manage McLeans Grassland Reserve before we developed a draft management and concept plan.
Updates made to the plan following feedback:
- Chaning the stile entrance to the reserve to a flat entrance with a gate, to increase accessibility
- Wayfinding / storytelling signs at the entrances to the reserve
Read the draft management plan and concept plan
Draft McLeans Grassland Reserve Management PlanPDF (1.43 MB)
Contains aims, objectives and challenges for the reserve to be addressed.
Draft McLeans Grassland Reserve Concept PlanPDF (259.88 KB)
Provides a visual overview of the proposed measures to meet the aims and objectives in the management plan
McLeans Grassland Reserve is a regionally significant dryland ecosystem, located directly west of the Christchurch International Airport. It is one of the largest undeveloped areas remaining on the Canterbury Plains and it provides habitats for multiple rare and threatened species. It is part of the historic floodplain from the Waimakariri River, prior to widespread agricultural development that has occurred almost entirely across the Plains.
Spanning approximately 158 hectares, McLeans Grassland is home to many rare plants, invertebrates (such as butterflies) and birds that are threatened with extinction. This includes being a popular nesting area for the nationally vulnerable Pohowera / Banded Dotterel. Other threatened bird species that use the grassland habitat are the Pīhoihoi / Pipit, Tarapirohe / Black-fronted Tern and the Tōrea / South Island Pied oyster catcher. McLeans Grassland is also home to several lizard species including, the Canterbury spotted skink, the southern grass skink and the Canterbury / Waitaha gecko.
The reserve and its surrounding area hold great cultural significance for Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāi Tahu. Situated on the floodplain of the Waimakariri River (awa), the reserve is deeply intertwined with the cultural identity of mana whenua, reflecting their connections to whakapapa (lineage / inter-generation connection) and tūrangawaewae (a place where one has the right to stand). Historically, the Waimakariri River served as a vital source of mahinga kai (food gathering).
McLeans Grassland Reserve is also part of the Waimakariri Braids section of the 360 Trail.
A management plan explains the objectives and policies for looking after a reserve. It helps decide how the reserve will be cared for and changed in the future. For example, if someone wants to do something in the reserve that doesn’t follow these rules, they won’t be allowed to. The main goals of the draft plan are listed below.
The concept plan shows the vision for the reserve, with activities that are consistent with the objectives and policies of the management plan.