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How it works

Mixed organics (both garden and food waste) is collected as normal through the kerbside service and taken to the existing plant to be processed into compost. The final stage of the process involves the compost being screened – this separates the finer material from sticks and other large material. Currently the plant only has one screen but Living Earth has ordered an additional screen to help speed up the process. Compost is then sold and removed from the site.

We do not prefer this option as the odour risk and effects on the surrounding community remain unchanged.

The diagram shows how mixed organics are currently processed.

The implications

Risk of offensive and objectionable odour from the plant impacting on the local community

Current odour risk: Medium to high risk.

Implementation time

No implication – processing would continue as it does now. Living Earth has ordered an additional outdoor screen and it is expected to be onsite by October 2023, in time for the peak season.

Estimated cost (over five years)

Current cost: $112 million.

This option: No change (subject to Long Term Plan 2024–34).

Estimated effect on rates (over five years)

What we do now (expected rates portion for 2023/24 per property): $580 over five years. Cost per year is $116. This is a fixed cost that everyone pays, which covers the cost of collecting and processing organics. This is a proportion of the total amount you pay for your kerbside recycling and organics service.

This option: No change (subject to Long Term Plan 2024–34).

Estimated greenhouse gas emissions (generated over five years)

Greenhouse gas emissions are measured in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e). This measure combines the effects of different emissions, such as methane and carbon dioxide.

What we do now: 48,232 tonnes of CO2-e.

This option: No change.

Read more about how we calculated our greenhouse gas emissions on the main project page.

Alignment with sustainability policies

Along with central government, we have policies and strategies for managing organics.

What we do now (this option) aligns: Yes

Read these policies and strategies on the main project page.

Contact Us

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Phone 03 941 8999 (0800 800 169)