Report available
The Council maintains and manages nearly 1,300 parks and reserves covering over 10,000 hectares in Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula. This includes the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, Hagley Park, or other significant heritage gardens, sports, neighbourhood and regional parks as well as open and closed cemeteries.
The parks and reserves bylaw sets out rules for the management and use of our public parks and reserves for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone. It applies across Christchurch and Banks Peninsula.
Legislation requires bylaws to be reviewed at least once every 10 years. Our parks and reserves bylaw was last reviewed in 2016. Reviewing the bylaw also ensures that it’s fit for purpose and up to date.
Proposed changes
Update legislation, amend definitions (Aircraft, Authorised Officer, Vehicle, Park or Reserve) and add a new definition of Emergency Services.
No changes.
Section 7 – Amend 7.1 to clarify how the dog control bylaw applies in parks and reserves.
Section 8 – Include electric bicycles, electric scooters and scooters (alongside bicycles) in clause 8.2 as also being allowed to park in some parks and reserves.
Section 8 - Include vessels and other mechanical devices in clause 8.4 as also being prohibited from being dumped in a park or reserve.
Section 9 – Amend clause 9.3 to reflect that the Christchurch City Council Urban Fire Safety Bylaw was revoked when Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) became the responsible agency for nationally managing fire risk.
Section 9 – New note to explain the role of FENZ in issuing restrictions on fires, fireworks and fire risks and to encourage residents to use their fire risk web page.
Section 10 – New note setting out how camping can be regulated under both the Freedom Camping Bylaw 2021 and the Park and Reserves Bylaw.
Section 12 – Include updated terms for lightweight drones or Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in clauses 12.3 and 12.4.
Section 12 – New note referring users to our guidance and map on areas where the public can fly drones and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems.
Section 15 – Include electric bicycles, electric scooters and scooters (alongside bicycles) as prohibited things to ride in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens without permission.
Section 19 – New section to cover Offence and Penalty. This states that anyone who breaches this bylaw commits an offence under the Local Government Act 2002 and/or Reserves Act 1977 and is liable to a penalty as set out in those Acts.
Section 20 – New clause 20.5 setting out clearly that any permission given under this bylaw may be reviewed and revoked at any time.
Note: Terminology across the bylaw has been aligned to refer to “parks and reserves” instead of just “reserves” when both are intended to be covered. This change is to make the document more user friendly and easier to understand without having to refer to the interpretation section to confirm that both are covered by use of the single term.