Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback on this project

We received a total of 82 submissions about the South-East Central Neighbourhood Plan, from 71 individuals and the following organisations:

  • Active Canterbury Network
  • Ara Institute of Canterbury
  • Christchurch Methodist Mission
  • Darkroom, Art Hole, and Moonbase Record Collective
  • Greater Otautahi
  • Otautahi Christchurch Branch of the National Council of Women of New Zealand
  • Spokes Canterbury
  • Te Mana Ora
  • Te Whare Roimata Trust
  • The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch
  • Victoria Neighbourhood Association Inc

What you told us

Common topics raised during early conversations and consultation were:

  • Good mixed-use neighbours - There is a wide range of businesses in this area that help create a vibrant neighbourhood. A short walk to the services in the core of the city and easy access to everyday services is a key attractor for living in this area.
  • Quality housing - People would like housing that is affordable and meets the needs of a wide range of people. Access to sunlight, green space and bike parking are important considerations for people wanting to live in this area.
  • Healthy, green neighbourhood - The area is lacking green space and would benefit from more trees and landscaping.
  • Easy and enjoyable to get from A to B - Safety, access and appearance of streets warrants improvement. The area should become cycle and pedestrian friendly.
  • Strong sense of community – As a newly evolving community, it doesn’t have an established identity. Residents would value support to build community – through events, a resident group, and spaces to gather.

When it came to the full plan, most submitters somewhat or fully agreed that the plan’s vision aligns with their ideas for the neighbourhood’s future:

  • 45 (64%) fully agreed
  • 22 (32%) somewhat agreed

You can read more about what we heard in the meeting agenda below, which includes the staff report. To read all the feedback we received, download the submission table below.

We’ve made a decision on the South-East Central Neighbourhood Plan

Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board decided to endorse the South-East Central Neighbourhood plan, on 11 July 2024.

You can read the meeting minutes which include the formal resolutions

You can also watch the decision being made. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Meeting - 11 July 2024.

What happens next?

The report will go to Council on 21 August, who will decide to adopt the South-East Neighbourhood Plan as a guide to decision making.

Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board meeting - South-East Central Neighbourhood Plan