
Canterbury Biodiversity Initiative Fish Habitat Fund Seeking Project Proposals

20 March 2024

Environment Canterbury has an initiative to identify site specific issues which threaten native fish populations and provide financial support to remediate these issues. Currently $100,000 per year is available.


  • General fish passage
  • Any threatened/at risk freshwater fish species
  • Increasing resilience of native fish strongholds in the face of climate change

Examples of projects:

  • Remediating or removing a barrier to fish movement in a catchment where fish are prevented from accessing high quality instream habitat further upstream (including design of remediation solution).
  • Construction of a barrier to protect non-migratory native fish species from an incursion of exotic species.
  • Improving instream habitat for a specific fish species

Proposals required by Friday 19th April 2024.

To discuss a project proposal, request an application form or submit a proposal please contact:

Chloe Armour (027-678-9772,

or your local Environment Canterbury Biodiversity Officer (contact via 0800-324-636).

Photos of different fish species