Read updates on our plans for good social and physical connections for our community
Measures of Success

Communities have access to local community facilities and are supported to manage them

Progress to date/actions taken

8 May 2023

  • The Board Approves the name Mānawa Kāwhiu that has been gifted by Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke to the Christchurch City Council and the Lyttelton Recreation Centre Trust Board to be used for the Lyttelton Recreation Centre at 25 Winchester Street, Lyttelton.
  • The Board agreed to provide a letter of support for funding of Te Puna Auaha.

12 June 2023

  • Approves a grant of $1,500 from its 2022-23 Discretionary Response Fund to The Lyttelton Recreation Centre Trust towards the planning, designing, material costs and installation of a wall mural at the Lyttelton Recreation Centre.
  • Approves a grant of $2,000 from its 2022/23 Discretionary Response Fund to the Okuti Valley Recreation and Sports Club Incorporated towards the purchase of a heat pump.

7 August 2023

  • Grants a land and building lease to Akaroa Men's Shed Charitable Trust pursuant to s61(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977, for a lease period of 10 years including renewals for an area of approximately 173sqm being part of Lot 2 DP300679 CFR3425 as shown on the plan described as Attachment A as attached to the agenda for this meeting.
  • Approve consultation on a ground lease for the purpose of constructing a community facility in the vicinity of site D as shown on the plan in Attachment I as attached to the agenda for this meeting. The ground lease is to be for a period of 35 years with rental to be charged in accordance with Council policy for sports clubs and community groups on reserve/park.

6 September 2023

  • Application to Cressy Trust lodged for the summer Hydro-cise classes at the Norman Kirk Pool, Lyttelton.

11 September 2023

  • That Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board: 1. Approves the Takamatua Domain Landscape Development Plan, as shown in Attachment A to the report on the meeting agenda and accompanying Appendix 1 (Elevation views of boardwalk) as shown in Attachment B to the report on the meeting agenda.

6 November 2023

  • Approves a grant of $12,000 from its Better-Off Fund to Banks Peninsula Community Governance Team for the Audit of Banks Peninsula Facilities.

11 December 2023

  • Approves the request from the Duvauchelle Reserve Committee for the provision of specific sites 65 and 66 to construct two self-contained cabins, at the Duvauchelle Holiday Park.

12 February 2024

  • The Board grants a Land and Building lease to Akaroa Croquet Club, pursuant to section 54 of the Reserves Act 1977, for a lease period of twenty years including renewals for an area of approximately 2225square metres if Akaroa Recreation Reserve.

26 February 2024

  • The Board received a Hui a Hapori Community Open Forum presentation from Pam Richardson and Hugh Eaton, representing the Pigeon Bay Settlers Hall Committee regarding the Pigeon Bay Hall, and other local issues pertaining to Pigeon Bay including community resilience, fit for purpose roading and roading maintenance.

6 May 2024

  • The Board requested staff advice on how the Community Board can be engaged in the upgrading of the Little River Trail terminus.

10 June 2024

  • The Board approved a part change in classification of road reserve to local purpose reserve for a piece of land that crosses the Akaroa Recreation Ground.
Measures of success

All eligible community organisations and events designed to connect our communities and reduce isolation are supported with funding or other assistance as required.

Progress to date / actions taken

7 November 2022

  • The Board approved $1,800 grant from DRF to the Little River Farmer Market towards signage and public liability.

18th & 19th March

  • SailGP held at Whakaraupō, Lyttelton Harbour, witnessed by 15,000 spectators and 4,500 spectators at the Central City live site.

11 April 2023

  • The Board approved $8,250 grant from DRF to the Diamond Harbour & Districts Health Support Group towards building consenting fees.

11 April 2023

  • The Board approved $2,500 grant from DRF to the Little River Craft Station Inc. towards wages.

8 May 2023

  • Approves a grant of $500 from its 2022-23 Discretionary Response Fund to The Loons Club Incorporated towards the ANZAC Day commemoration celebration in Lyttelton.
  • Approves a grant of $4,000 from its 2022-2023 Discretionary Response Fund to Akaroa District Promotions Inc. towards operational funding to enable a review of purpose and identification of potential funding opportunities.

12 June 2023

  • Approves a grant of $2,000 from its 2022-23 Discretionary Response Fund to The Lyttelton Arts Factory Trust towards Festival costs - projector hire, printing costs, and volunteer recognition.

10 July 2023

  • Nominates Summer with your Neighbours 2023-24 for $3,000 as a Board Project to be considered for funding from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund
  • Approves a grant of $2,413 from its 2023-24 Discretionary Response Fund to Lyttelton Community House Trust towards a replacement commercial oven.

7 August 2023

  • Approves the 2023 - 2024 Strengthening Communities Fund grants outlined in the following schedule.
  • 7 August 2023 - Approves the transfer of $10,864 to the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board 2023 – 2024 Discretionary Response Fund.

11 September 2023

  • Allocates its 2023-24 Summer With Your Neighbours funding.

6 November 2023

  • Approves a grant of $22,000 from its Better-Off Fund to Banks Peninsula Early Learning Limited towards the Nature Playground Upgrade.

11 December 2023

  • Approves a grant of $2,000 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Little River Farmers Market Incorporated towards the cost of Public Liability Insurance and purchase of an amplifier/speaker.
  • Approves a grant of $3,486 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Project Lyttelton Incorporated towards equipment for the Lyttelton Emergency Hub and first aid training for its volunteers.
  • Approves a grant of $10,000 from its Better-Off Fund to Akaroa Area School Board of Trustees towards the installation of Solar Panels for the School and Community Pool.
  • Requests that staff work with the Akaroa Heritage Festival Society to explore options for long term funding for the FrenchFest.

11 March 2024

  • Approves a grant of $2541 from its 2023/2024 Discretionary Response Fund to the Lyttelton Harbour Business Assosiiation towards event costs to host a viewing area in Albion Square during Sail GP.

6 May 2024

  • Approves a grant of $5,000 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Lyttelton Community House Trust towards wages.
  • Approves a grant of $1,200 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Lyttelton Transition Energy Society Inc. towards establishment costs and community energy workshops.
  • Approves a grant of $2,500 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Diamond Harbour Bays Bowling Club Inc. towards the purchase of 10 new “barefoot bowls”.
  • The Board conferred Community Service Awards on 9 individuals and 1 organisation for exceptional volunteer service to our Banks Peninsula communities.

10 June 2024

  • Heard a Public Forum from Sustainability by Design who were advocating for installation of recycling rubbish receptables on Lyttleton's main street.
  • Approves a change of purpose of $10,000 granted from its Better-Off Fund from Solar Panels for Akaroa Area School and Community Pool to the Pool Solar Pool Cover project.
  • Approves a grant of $5,000 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Akaroa Volunteer Fire Brigade towards the Thermal Imaging Drone.
  • Approves a grant of $2,450 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to The Stoddart Cottage Trust towards the purchase of a dehumidifier and a gallery hanging system.
  • Approves a grant of $1,958 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Te Mata Hapuku Birdlings Flat Community Centre for the establishment of a Community Hub.
Measures of success

Planning is undertaken to provide safe routes for children to walk to school (including but not limited to connections between West Lyttelton and Lyttelton Primary School, within Governors Bay, diamond Harbour and connections between Cooptown and Little river Primary School).

Progress to date / actions taken

13 February 2023

  • The Board requested an update from Waka Kotahi NZTA on the proposed pathway connection between Cooptown and the Little River School.
Measures of success

The Board, staff, hapu and community work together to improve walking connections within Rāpaki, the Head to Head Walkway and other walking tracks.

Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report

Measures of success

Not defined

Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report

Measures of Success

Little river community is supported in its efforts to establish a community transport scheme.

Progress to date/actions taken

Nothing to report