Read updates on our plans to respond to climate change.
Measures of Success

Resilience plans are completed for at least four settlements across Banks Peninsula with others underway.

Progress to date/actions taken

13 February 2023

  • The Board agreed to seek staff advice on the Council’s proposal to repair the main Rāpaki water pipe to prevent leaking and to query whether the fibre cable can be repositioned to mitigate damage

8 May 2023

  • Approve a temporary water reservoir to be located and constructed within that part of the reserve identified in the report on the meeting agenda to enable the upgrade of the Akaroa water supply.

30 June 2023

  • Lyttelton – Project Lyttelton (PL), Council staff (CDEM and Community Governance Staff) have had exploratory conversations regarding development of a local plan. PL addressed the Board at a community Forum early 2023, provided an overview for the Lyttelton Harbour Network (May); has undertaken a review of current extant documents; and had discussions with community stakeholders; with a meeting bringing parties together scheduled for 6 July 2023.
  • Akaroa – Planning meetings (a handful of community members, Council Staff, a Board member) for an Akaroa and Bays response have taken place in June 2023. A public meeting is scheduled for 12 August.

August 2023

  • Emergency Hubs Collective meeting held in Lyttelton bringing together interested parties from across the Peninsula. Coordinated by Project Lyttelton it was attended by representatives from Akaroa, Diamond Harbour, Governors Bay, Cass Bay and Lyttelton.

September 2023

  • Camp Bay to Governors Bay Community Emergency Resilience Plan and Community Response Hub inaugural meeting held involving representatives from all residents and community associations in the area.

October 2023

  • Training by CDEM staff for Lyttelton locals who would help staff the Lyttelton Emergency Hub.
  • Little River – A Community Resilience Planning meeting will be held on September 26 in Little River with the aim of developing a Community Emergency Management Plan and setting up a Community Emergency Hub.

12 February 2024

  • The Board approves a grant of $4000 from its 2023/2024 Discretionary Response Fund to Te Ahu Pātiki Charitable Trust towards the Fire Risk Analysis Report.

11 March 2024

  • The Board heard a public forum from the Lyttelton Energy Transition Society - Banks Peninsula

6 May 2024

  • The Board approves a grant of $1,200 from its 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund to Lyttelton Transition Energy Society Inc. towards establishment costs and community energy workshops.

10 June 2024

  • The Board heard a public forum from the Lyttelton Community Response Hub, who the Board supported with funding for 'Be Prepared' flyers.
Measures of success

Local groups and organisations involved in ecological initiatives are supported through grants and other mechanisms as appropriate.

Progress to date / actions taken
12 December 2022
  • 15 Reserve Committees re-established by the new Board for the triennium. New Terms of Reference developed.
  • Reserve Committee elections undertaken. Resulting committees supported by elected member liaison, and staff input (Board liaison, Parks, Community Governance, Activities and Events, Legal, Licensing)

10 June 2024

  • The Board heard a Public Forum from Lyttelton Community Reserves Conservation Award Team presenting a report they commissioned about the botanicals of Whakaraupō.
Progress to date / actions taken

8 May 2023

  • Approve the removal of up to 18 trees within L’aube Hill Reserve to enable the construction of water supply tanks within the water treatment plant (intended to have number of trees doubled and replanted)
Measures of success

Landowners are supported in their efforts to fence off land for natural regeneration of forest with assistance as requested.

Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report

Measures of success

Adaptation plans will be developed, with community involvement, for the most at-risk communities in the Whakaraupo/Port Levy area to help prepare for the effects of coastal hazards on our communities, infrastructure and environment. These adaptation plans will not include anything that contributes negatively to climate change.

Progress to date / actions taken

October 2023

  • The Coastal Panel has developed adaptation options for each of the 6 priority areas and each asset within that area (e.g. Allandale as a whole, the Allandale Hall, the main road, the reserve, the landfill and the foreshore track).The current engagement, which opened on 13th October for 6 weeks, is to test these different pathways for the area as a whole and for individual Council-owned assets within the area. There are no costings associated with different pathways at this stage, no triggers for when you might move from one option to another identified yet and no timeframes around any of this at the moment. Feedback from the engagement will guide staff what to work up further and investigate. The team have been out to the Governors Bay Fete and the Orton Bradley Spring Fair. They will also do webinars on each of the priority areas.
Measures of success

FENZ and CCC work together to identify fire risk and develop mitigation strategies for at least three areas of concern on Banks Peninsula.

Progress to date / actions taken

October 2023

  • The Camp Bay to Governors Bay Community Emergency Resilience Plan and Community Response Hub group meeting had “Fire Readiness plans” as it’s focus. A meeting with FENZ has been organised in Diamond Harbour on November 2nd. To provide communities with the information needed to develop a plan for their area.
  • A group from Lyttelton concerned about fire risk are attending the Community Board meeting on 6th November to present their concerns.

6 November 2023

  • Board agreed to refer matters raised by a local Lyttelton residents public forum on flooding and fire risk outside of his property.
Measures of success

New procurement opportunities have included the opportunity for local contractors to bid.

Progress to date / actions taken

September 2023

  • Repairs and maintenance work has been approved in Le Bons Bay and Okuti Valley community facilities utilising local tradespeople.
Measures of success

Solar panels are installed on suitable Council owned properties.

Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report