Read updates on our plans to support community-based solutions for currently unused significant council-owned sites

Advocate for community solutions, including accommodation for workers and young families

Measures of Success

A proposal is developed for the future use and development of the BP Meats site which broadly achieves the objectives of the community.

Progress to date / actions taken

26 February 2024

  • Angus Smith, Manager, Property Consultancy, Danielle Yeoman, Planner Urban Regeneration and Raymond Qu, Property Consultant, presented to the Board on the proposed process for public engagement on the future of the Akaroa BP Meats Site. A report is to be provided for the Board’s consideration

11 March 2024

  • Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board supports staff initiating the proposed process, with key stages including:
    • Obtaining updated technical analysis for the site and updating Section D of the ‘2011 Akaroa Places and Spaces Plan’.
    • Preparing a consultation and engagement plan alongside Community Governance and Communications and Engagement staff.
    • Undertaking targeted and on-going engagement with Ōnuku Rūnanga, acknowledging their proposal for the site and noting the cultural importance of the area.
    • Developing site requirements/principles for refining the various site options to be consulted on.
    • Presenting the site options and engagement plan to the Community Board for a decision to consult.
    • Undertaking public consultation and reporting back to the Community Board regarding the consultation findings and next steps.
  • Maintains the status quo holding strategy until staff report back on option for future use.

24 June 2024

  • staff provided information and advice on the outline of the planned phases of engagement to seek community involvement in deciding the future use of 67 Rue Lavaud (BP Meats Site). Staff agreed to update the Board regularly during consultation and invite the Board to contribute feedback.

Continue to seek an appropriate future use for this vacant heritage building.

Measures of Success

A proposal is developed for the future use and development of the BP Meats site which broadly achieves the objectives of the community.

Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report

Continue to work with the community and council staff to find a way to enable the community vision for the former Godley House site.

Measures of Success

The community is consulted about the proposal Council has received to develop the former Godley house Site. If the community is happy with the proposal we (the Community Board) will approve a lease to the applicant.

Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report

  • Work with Council staff and the community to identify future uses, development, disposal/retention and management strategies for the Hunters Road site.
  • Request an assessment of the site for its potential to grow indigenous trees for long-term carbon-sequestration, either by natural regeneration or strategic (ecologically beneficial) planting, as part of the Council’s drive to become a carbon-neutral city.
Measures of Success

A spatial plan and outline development plan is developed for the Hunters Road site which will be incorporated into the district plan. These plans will incorporate:

  • Community views and preferences about the future use of the site
  • Any site constraints (e.g. geotechnical)
  • Any features/natural values that may require protection (e.g. landscape, biodiversity)
  • Technical advice (e.g. infrastructure networks, including transport, stormwater facilities)
  • An assessment of the site’s suitability as an area for natural regeneration or revegetation.
Progress to date / actions taken

Nothing to report