
Bryndwr Community Garden's fruitful delivery

13 October 2023

After gaining the appropriate permissions, the Bryndwr Community Garden was looking for a couple of fruit trees to plant in their garden at Morley Reserve on Clyde Road to provide a treat for children, volunteers, and community alike.

They wanted trees around 5ft tall so they could be able to survive the rigors of planting in their communal space better. The trees the group were looking at were approximately $160 each. As luck would have it, a week or two later after a few phone calls with the group and staff from the Council's Parks Unit, our Community Development Advisor, Natalie Dally, was able to pick up and deliver a nectarine, pear, and apricot tree to the gardens.

The volunteers are over the moon as the trees are even better quality than the ones they were looking at and they were free! We are still working on getting a lemon tree for them so if anyone knows of one going, contact Natalie as she knows a good home for it.

New donated fruit trees

Deen “the keen” gardener, one of the volunteers from the garden and husband of Sarah the current Chairperson of the group. On call to take delivery of trees day or night!