
Changing of the Guard

8 May 2024

Jason and Bridget

At their meeting on Monday 6 May 2024, the Board formally received the resignation as Chairperson from Bridget Williams.

Bridget has been the Board Chairperson for the past three years and the Board and staff wish to acknowledge the wonderful job she has done in the role over that time.

In her resignation, Bridget states:

"One of the driving forces behind my decision is the desire to provide other dedicated members of our community board with the opportunity to step into leadership roles and to further their growth and development. Throughout my time as Chair, it has been evident that we possess a wealth of talent and passion within our Board, and it is only fitting that we create space for others to flourish.

I want to take this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every member of the Board, the incredible governance team and other board chairs. It has been an absolute privilege to work alongside such dedicated and compassionate individuals who share a common vision of building a stronger, more vibrant community."

The Board has elected Jason Middlemiss, who was the Deputy Chair, into the role of Board Chairperson for the remainder of the term. Bridget was elected as Deputy Chair.

Jason Middlemiss being elected as Chairperson with John Filsell, Head of Community Support and Partnerships Unit

Jason and John