Read updates on our plans for a connected transport network
Measures of Success

Feedback via a public forum, submissions, and correspondence on transport issues will be measured.

Progress to date/actions taken
  • The Board reflected its commitment to supporting the Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Resilience Strategy's Climate Goals as part of its submission on the ‘Way Safer Streets’ consultation, seeking to ensure that the Strategy is considered in that context.
  • In its submission on the Draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan, the Board promoted its commitment to supporting the Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Resilience Strategy's Climate Goals, aligning with strongly advocating for active transport modes and networks to support walking, cycling, and public transport.
  • In its submission on the Draft Safe Speed Plan, the Board highlighted its commitment to the Strategy’s Climate Goals, encouraging that the Council report reflect relevant assessment.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission highlighted its commitment to supporting the Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Resilience Strategy's Climate Goals. The Board’s presentation at the LTP hearings drew particular attention to this. The Board also highlighted that it shone through in the ‘what matters most’ early engagement on the LTP that ‘climate change’ was either the top or near top priority for the wards in the Board area, reinforcing the representative aspect of this advocacy.
  • Highlight on Council’s Climate Action resources and newsletter added to the Board’s Area Report.
Measures of success

The traffic light installation at the Greers/ Langdons Road intersection will be completed with traffic measures implemented to improve effective efficiency along the Langdons Road corridor.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board, in its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023/24 expressed its particular support for Project 67987 (Greers/Langdons Traffic Lights) retaining priority.
  • The Board was briefed on this project in September 2023, reviewing the proposed engagement on the options developed.
  • Public consultation on the project ran 11-31 October 2023.
  • The Board after considering the submissions, and hearing deputations on the project, recommended the Council approve the installation of traffic lights on the Greers/ Langdon Road intersection at a joint meeting with the neighbouring board on 4 December 2023. The Council accepted the recommendations on 7 February 2024, including that the project shall proceed to construction subject to adequate budget being available to meet the contract commitments for construction.
  • The transport project webpage for the Greers and Langdons Road intersection upgrade can be found here:
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted that: The Board has supported the installation of traffic lights on the Greers/Langdons Road intersection, and so appreciates the provision from the Transport budget to complete this project, acknowledging the Council’s support with this.
  • Notification received that the project has been awarded to Isaac Construction with a view to completing construction before the Christmas shopping period, and Start Works Notice circulated for the Greers Langdons Traffic Lights project.
  • The Council’s letter of response to the Board after the adoption of its LTP noted its commitment to $1.845 million for traffic lights at the Greers/Langdons intersection.
  • The Greers Langdons traffic lights were commissioned (switched on) in time for Labour Weekend, and a month ahead of schedule.
Measures of success

The traffic light installation at the Greers/ Langdons Road intersection will be completed with traffic measures implemented to improve effective efficiency along the Langdons Road corridor.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board received a briefing in February 2023 regarding the Langdons Road Corridor, particularly in relation to the Northlink retail park development and further to its request to see a transport network assessment for the corridor, noted that the Integrated Transport Assessment for Stage 3 of the Retail Park suggests small scale potential impact.
  • The Board also noted from the February 2023 briefing that some transport changes have been implemented to address safety, such as the installation of pedestrian refuge islands on Langdons Road, while other transport projects were planned, such as a slow speed zone along Langdons Road as part of the Safe Speed Neighbourhood – Papanui; cycle lanes and coloured surfacing following planned resurfacing of Langdons Road; the Greers/Langdons traffic lights; the Sawyers Arms/Northcote/Greers intersection improvements; and changes to intersections along Harewood Road via the Wheels to Wings MCR.
  • In its submission on the Draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan, the Board highlighted its support for effective safety measures and improved efficiency along the Langdons Road corridor from Northlands Shopping Centre to the Northlink Shopping Centre, noting that this area has become increasingly busy both vehicle and pedestrian-wise with one of the city’s largest High Schools (Papanui High School) also being situated on this corridor.
  • As part of the Council’s Long Term Plan 2024-34 it was resolved (CLP/2024/00086): That the Council notes that staff will report back on work programme requirements for Langdons and Springfield corridors to inform a future Annual Plan.
  • At the Transport Programmes information session on 31 October 2024, the Board requested staff provide information around options for the Greers-Northcote-Sawyers Arms Roads intersection, including monitoring to understand efficiencies extending through the Langdons and Northcote corridors, following on from the LTP carryover actions, and to assist future Annual Plan and LTP considerations being informed by the data in time for the Board submission.
Measures of success

The completion of a connecting cycleway link from Richmond to the Central city.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board submitted its advocacy for, and input on, the Richmond Neighbourhood Greenway Cycle Connection as part of its submission on the ‘Way Safer Streets’ consultation.
  • The Board provided its input and confirmed its support for the green cycleway to link Richmond to the Central City within the context of the briefing it received in June 2023 on the CERF projects in the Board's area.
  • The Board Chair presented to the Council on ‘Way Safer Streets’ in September 2023, who approved the construction of the Richmond Neighbourhood Greenway project, conditional on implementation costs being agreed and incorporated into the Transport Choices Funding agreement between Waka Kotahi and Council.
  • Construction update memo received 27 November 2023 noting that with the Transport Choices section of the cycleway on pause, the design and cost estimates for the CRAF section of the cycleway needed to be separated from the Transport Choices section, and, because of this, the construction of the CRAF section of the cycleway would start in 2024.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted that: The Board also indicated in its Plan it would continue to support the greenway cycleway to link Richmond to the central city; we appreciate that an extension of the greenway beyond the area the Board are able to support with the CRAF funding has been hindered by the government’s announcement that no further funding from the Climate Emergency Response Fund for projects that are part of the Transport Choices programme will be approved.
  • The Board’s presentation at the LTP hearings also highlighted its support for the greenway cycleway to link Richmond to the Central City.
Measures of success

The installation of a pedestrian crossing on Springfield Road.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board, in its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023/24 advocated that priority be given within existing programmes to advancing projects reflecting the Board’s priorities where possible, especially including installation of safe pedestrian crossing facilities on Springfield Road.
  • The Board highlighted its priority relating to pedestrian safety crossing on Springfield Road in its October 2023 monthly presentation to the Council.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted the Board’s advocacy for pedestrian safety on the Springfield Road corridor.
  • At its meeting on 9 May 2024, the Board received a presentation from St Albans School, and noted its wish that the safety concerns for children travelling to St Albans School be considered with urgency, including in relation to the lack of pedestrian crossings on Springfield Road.
  • As part of the Council’s Long Term Plan 2024-34 it was resolved (CLP/2024/00086): That the Council notes that staff will report back on work programme requirements for Langdons and Springfield corridors to inform a future Annual Plan.
  • At the Transport Programmes information session on 31 October 2024, the Board requested staff arrange to brief them on on the ‘St Albans - Springfield Rd & Edgeware & Abberley’ school safety project with options to push this forward.
Measures of success

Monitor the number of grants approved through the Better off Fund supporting transport safety initiatives.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • In its submission on the ‘Way Safer Streets’ consultation, the Board asked the Council to consider any bigger picture issues when considering the proposed projects in the CERF programme, including the impacts of intensification in the Board area.
  • In its submission on the Draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan, the Board noted that the wider community (and Board) believe that the community infrastructure may not be adequate to support the continual growth in the Board area. The Board promoted that community concerns include the lack of amenities, community facilities and recreational greenspace, and the impact intensification will have on transport corridors and connecting transport networks. The Board encouraged partnering with the community to address these concerns, including in the context of the Plan, as important to finding dynamic and innovative solutions that bring residents on the journey.
  • Board member assistance to residents to promote reporting issues through the Snap Send Solve app, including as highlighted in public forum presentation from Rhonda Ballantyne (April 2023).
  • The Board received a public forum presentation in February 2024 from Te Kura o Matarangi Northcote School regarding traffic and parking issues in the Northcote area with current construction projects and concerns about the impact of the opening Marian College on these issues. The Board noted advice from staff of their ongoing investigations into traffic volumes in the area now that Marian College students are back, indicating appropriate measures are to be recommended to the Board in due course.
  • The Board received deputations, including from Shirley Primary School students, providing local feedback on the proposals the Board approved for safety improvement as part of the transport project to create ‘Way safer intersections on Shirley Road’:
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted what it signalled in its Board Plan about taking a ‘big picture’ view of local transport issues, acknowledging that it is a balance between supporting fiscal prudence when it comes to Council spending and recognising/advocating for what the community sees as important transport issues and/or projects.
  • Police were invited to attend the liaison meeting in June 2024 with school principals in the Board area, and referred the issues raised by St Albans School at the May 2024 Board meeting.
  • The Board supported the local Northcote community in the advancement and resolution of appropriate parking restrictions for Fenchurch Street and Paddington Street at its meeting on 11 July 2024 after hearing from local residents, in response to the evolving local transport issues relating to the recent move of Marian College into the area and other developments.
  • At the Council’s LTP 2024-34 meeting it recorded this noting provision further to the Board's interest in advancing this project: A303b. Staff will report to the Community Boards by December 2024 on feasibility progress on #243 Greers, Northcote and Sawyers Arms Intersection Improvement to inform future timelines.
Measures of success

Monitor the number of grants approved through the Better off Fund supporting transport safety initiatives.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board in May 2023 discussed local policing issues with Snr Sergeant Roy Appley from the NZ Police, including raising relevant community concerns about transport safety in the Board area.
  • The Board was briefed on the criteria relating to the Community Board Better-Off Funding in August 2023, and began workshopping prospective projects in October 2023.
  • The Board wrote to Waka Kotahi in August 2023 at their invitation to give feedback on where the community desire or would support a review of speed limits on the State Highway, in which it reflected community feedback into the Safe Speed Neighbourhoods project concerning reviewing the speed on QEII Drive between Northcote Road and the CNC.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission advocated that: The Board believes there is an urgent need relating to the Northcote Road corridor being investigated for improvement. Both the wider and local community have communicated their concerns about the adverse impacts resulting from recent developments, including the opening of a very large supermarket and school, together with increased traffic in the area generally. The Board is concerned that the draft LTP is showing significantly reduced investment for improving this corridor (project 915). The Board appreciates that the nature of any project will need to be informed by investigations, but advocates for some funding/resourcing to be able to act on these, and should at least be noted in the LTP and be included in an Annual Plan. The Board refers to the deputations of St Bede’s College and Marian College students to its 11 April 2024 meeting (recorded on its YouTube channel) outlining their traffic safety concerns for the area surrounding their schools. The Board, responding to such local insight, has approved Better Off funding for a Northcote Road Corridor Safety Improvements Investigation that it could expect to be seeking the Council’s support with to implement resulting recommendations, intending these be considered in further conversation with the students and community.
  • Around the presentation to the Board from St Albans School at its 9 May 2024 meeting regarding the safety of children travelling to and from the school, endeavours to reach out to Police about related enforcement issues, yielded indication from Snr Sergeant Mike Jones on 16 May 2024 that he would raise in their taskings either a patrol or for team operations to run at the Cranford Street/Westminster Street intersection at the start of school time.
  • At the Council’s LTP 2024-34 meeting it recorded this noting provision further to the Board's interest in advancing this project: A103a. The feasibility work for #915 Northcote Road Corridor Improvement (Concept) is being undertaken in FY24/25.
Measures of success

Monitor the number of grants approved through the Better off Fund supporting transport safety initiatives.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • In its submission on the ‘Way Safer Streets’ consultation, the Board noted its fundamental support for active transport initiatives that promote walking, cycling and using public transport, and offered feedback in response to consultation questions on the particular proposed CERF projects in the Board area.
  • The Board, in its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023/24 advocated that priority be given within existing programmes to advancing projects where possible reflecting the Board’s priorities, including specifically active transport initiatives that promote walking, cycling, and public transport. The Board expressed particular support for retaining priority for: Project 47023 (Major Cycleway Route - Northern Line - from Sturrocks Road to Barnes Road and Main North Road); Project 64671 (Major Cycleway - Northern Line Route [Section 1] Railway Crossings); Project 44702 (Package of local cycleways along the northern section of the Outer Orbital, linking the Northern Line and Avon - Otakaro Route. Includes Barnes Rd, Main North Rd, Prestons Rd, Burwood Rd and New Brighton Rd); Project 23098 (Northern Line -Blenheim Rd to Restell St) Harewood Road crossing being constructed as soon as possible; Project 23101 (Nor’West Arc Stage 3) being constructed as soon as possible.
  • Public Forum presentation from Dave Gardner (April 2023) expressing thanks in relation to safety improvements for the shared path on Cranford Street.
  • The Board considered active transport components within the Innes Road Street Renewal project at its August 2023 meeting.
  • The Board highlighted in its presentation to Council in October 2023 its prioritisation of a connected transport network, including as relating to providing a connection to the CNC shared path at Redwood Springs.
  • The Board supported the installation of paths in Papanui Bush promoting walking in the bush and the enjoyment of the area.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission advocated that: The Board, furthermore, appreciates and supports the provision for completing the Northern Line MCR cycle connections, reflecting that we signalled in our Board Plan we would support active transport initiatives which promote walking, cycling, and using public transport. The Board also references its previous submission in support of the Wheels to Wings cycleway, which we reaffirms here. The Wheels to Wings cycleway has been through two rounds of public consultation, a hearings panel process, and the scheme design has been approved by the Council. The Council has a long-standing commitment to deliver the cycleway, and it would not be unreasonable for elected members and the community to expect the LTP to be very clear that it can be delivered. Further relating to the Northern Line, the Board is especially keen to ensure there is scope to bring work forward (should it be possible with respect to requiring Kiwirail clearance) on signalised crossings for Harewood and Langdons Road by the railway crossings. There is consistent community demand to see these implemented as soon as possible, especially from parents concerned for the safety of their children. They and local school principals have indicated to the Board that this cycleway is especially relevant to encouraging and supporting tamariki to regularly cycle, which would increase the likelihood they will carry into adulthood this contribution to lowering transport emissions and improving their own health and wellbeing.
  • The Council’s letter of response to the Board after the adoption of its LTP noted its commitment to $17.574 million for all three stages of the Wheels to Wings cycleway, and $26.473 million to complete all aspects of the Northern Line cycleway noting funding is phased from Financial Year 25 to 28, with the bulk of delivery bought forward to 2025/26 for the rail crossings at Harewood Road, Langdons Road, and Sawyers Arms Road, subject to KiwiRail resource availability).
  • In its submission on the Regional Public Transport Plan, the Board commended improvements made by ECan to the bus service, and provided comments on the Plan’s vision relating to: improving our environment, growing patronage, innovation and technology accessibility, affordability, pets on public transport, and the planned improvements for Greater Christchurch. Under this last heading, the Board suggested a focus on urgently increasing service for the northern express bus, developing park and ride facilities at the top of the CNC, and utilising current rail infrastructure. It particularly highlighted that: With the planned improvements clearly laid out by ECan, showing the MRT plans are a long-term focus pushing out as far as 30 years into the future, the board suggests the need to address the growing amount of transport (private, business and heavy freight) in our area urgently needs short term planning. This is as much required for amenity and safety as it is to effectively start addressing the climate emergency.
  • The Board recommended the Council approve the peak-hour bus lane on Cranford Street remain a bus lane, after considering the submissions and deputation on the improvements for Cranford Street (between Innes Road and Berwick Street).
Measures of success

The inclusion of funding for a central city shuttle, and the start of this service.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board, in its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023/24 advocated that priority be given within existing programmes to advancing projects reflecting the Board’s priorities where possible, including specifically a trial of a central city shuttle.
  • Staff advice further to feedback from business community engagement about a Central City Shuttle service is that the timing is not right for trialling the service.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted that: The Board advocates for a trial of a central city shuttle as flagged in its Board Plan, drawing from its understanding of community interest in such a service, and noting it as a great gateway initiative to bringing more people to the central city, being more inclusive of those with accessibility issues, and helping people to become more accustomed to using public transport as a lower emission travel choice, also reducing the amount of cars into, out of, and around the CBD. Additionally, with so many significant changes to the inner city – new buildings (e.g. the library, the soon to be opened Court Theatre, Riverside, and a number of large hotels across the CBD), a shuttle should make it easier for people to travel around the inner city and have a positive experience. This can only further help promote the city as a great place in which to work, live, play and visit. The Board again refers to the early engagement on ‘what matters most’, which reflected that travel choice is high among residents’ priorities in the Central ward, being among the top two, along with climate change.
  • In its submission on the Regional Public Transport Plan, the Board noted that it would like to see the introduction of a free circuit service to Christchurch Central (similar to the yellow shuttle which looped the CBD pre-earthquakes). It offered a number of points in support, including that: The transport plan should be cognisant of the need to efficiently move residents, workers and visitors in, out and around the CBD. This is key to reducing congestion, improving the flow of traffic and people, reducing parking demand and enabling safe movement for all people.