
Consultation opens on the South-East Central Neighbourhood Plan

4 March 2024

New neighbourhood buildings

Residents can now share their views on the vision for a fast-developing neighbourhood in Christchurch’s Central City.

Public feedback is open on the South-East Central Neighbourhood Plan, which aims to guide the area’s development over the next 10 years.

The neighbourhood is home to over 1,400 residents, a number of commercial properties, and features key landmarks like Te Kaha – Canterbury’s Multi-Use Arena, Latimer Square and the SALT District.

Christchurch City Council Head of City Growth and Property Bruce Rendall says the plan sets out a vision for the development of the area over the next ten years.

“Encouraging and supporting growth in this area will help us deliver on our post-earthquake plan to create a vibrant, green and thriving city centre.

“The plan aims to guide future improvements for the area, in a strategic, cohesive way,” says Mr Rendall.

The community were invited to share their ideas for the neighbourhood during early engagement, which took place from 26 June to 24 July 2023.  

Based on this feedback, the draft neighbourhood plan has been built around five key themes: 

  • Healthy, green neighbourhood - increased tree canopy and pockets of open space that enhance lifestyle and help build resilience to climate change. 
  • Easy, safe and enjoyable to get from A to B - people have more travel choices, with more appealing roads, footpaths and bus services.
  • More people in quality housing - well-designed, diverse range of housing options that meet the needs of all ages, abilities and families.
  • Good mixed-use neighbours - complementary commercial neighbours and facilities that will adapt to meet the needs of residents and visitors. 
  • Strong sense of community - improved local identity and character where residents feel connected and involved in community activities. 

“The plan also outlines goals and actions that we can work towards alongside the community and our strategic partners,” says Mr Rendall.

Consultation is now open.

“It’s important we hear from the community to make sure the draft plan aligns with people’s expectations,” says Mr Rendall.

The Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board approved the draft Neighbourhood Plan at their meeting on Thursday 15 February.

Read the draft South-East Central Neighbourhood Plan and give your feedback by 1 April 2024.