Measures of Success
A youth audit will be completed with a clear vision for a youth space.
Progress to date/actions taken
- The Board advocated in its Annual Plan 2023-24 submission for retaining priority of the funding for a Papanui youth facility within 61782 Programme – Community Parks New Development; this is Project 61804 (Development of new recreation spaces such as skate parks, basketball courts, tennis courts and artificial cricket wickets in Community Parks) - youth or skate facility in the Papanui/Redwood area.
- In October 2024 a youth space will open in Northlands Mall, which will test having this space in the area, in collaboration with Papanui Youth Development Trust.
Measures of success
A youth facility is delivered as per the vision.
Progress to date / actions taken
- Collaborative work being explored for youth workers in the Papanui ward to make connections, be present after school at the mall, and potentially to develop a youth health and wellbeing space.
- The Youth Community Safety Project, funded through the Board’s Better Off Fund, to address youth safety issues through providing presence-based youth work in the area, is an initiative relevant to the early advancement in this regard of an understanding of the needs of local youth, while prioritising safety initiatives.
Measures of success
Youth are involved in the decision-making to fulfil their vision.
Progress to date / actions taken
- In its submission on the Draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan, the Board noted that there is a gap in facilities for young people in our community, particularly around Papanui. The Board explained the elements of its priority in relation to what the Board will do around advancing this opportunity for youth in the Papanui area and suggesting that the kind of work it is doing relating to identifying appropriate youth facilities in the area should be considered in the context of the Plan, with a view to relating it to the Priority Development Areas.
- Police input at the Board’s liaison meeting with school principals on 7 June 2024 provided opportunity to understand insight from these agencies relevant to local youth.
- Brainstorming session held in July 2024 with Police, the Community Governance Team, metropolitan CDA focused on youth, and Board Chair in relation to youth safety initiatives in the local area provided opportunity to workshop intersecting work on these issues and initiatives to engage further with local schools on these issues.
- A youth space, funded with the Board’s Better Off Fund, has been established in Northlands Mall in partnership with Papanui Youth Development Trust.
Measures of success
Youth are involved in the decision-making to fulfil their vision.
Progress to date / actions taken
- To be progressed as the priority is further developed.
Measures of success
Funding is brought forward, if appropriate.
Progress to date / actions taken
- In its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023-24, the Board advocated for ensuring funding is retained for new recreation spaces such as, but not limited to, skate parks and/or basketball courts in the Papanui/Redwood area.
- The Board Chair in the LTP briefing to Council in October 2023 highlighted priority to retain funding.
- The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted that: The Board has particularly prioritised a youth facility in the Papanui/Redwood area in its Board Plan. There appears to be a significant budget reduction proposed for developing new recreational spaces (project 61804) and play spaces (project 73999) in this area, though this may be owing to the construction budget being absorbed into the parent programme (61782). The Board asks that the Council offer assurance in its Long Term Plan that it is indeed planning for the long term trajectory of our wards and particularly this area of future development. The Council resolved in its LTP 2021-31 to specify the project (noted as a Papanui Skate Facility at that time) as a separate line item, and this should be reinstated in full to show the construction component of the budget in the line item as well. This will enable a youth audit to proceed with confidence and clarity that this will be a meaningful engagement with youth in the area, exploring what would truly improve the space, and will confirm there is budget to complete this project in the future. Though the Board recognises the difficulty of finding appropriate space in the heart of Papanui for new recreational spaces, the Board requests that clearer provision for green and recreational space be made in the LTP in areas earmarked for new housing developments. It would be reassuring for residents if the Council demonstrated adequate planning and budgeting for youth spaces in this area in light of nearby intensification, with Papanui developing as a higher density area. While the Board supports fiscal restraint to assist current residents, it does not support it to the extent of depriving future residents and the younger generation of the opportunity to retain levels of community amenity that directly impact wellbeing and social connections. Although there is likely to be an effect on overall budgets for new recreation and play developments, it is also vital to retain provision for community grants and community development budgets to contribute to this essential area. Our youth require the support that comes from these budgets to create initiatives which benefit their safety and wellbeing. Organisations like Papanui Youth Development Trust and Te Ora Hou, which the Board has supported through the Strengthening Communities Fund, serve an important role with their work and facilities, when Council is limited in what it can deliver for youth in the area.
- The Council’s letter of response to the Board after the adoption of its LTP noted its commitment to $60,000 for development of the Papanui/Redwood Youth Play Space.