Read updates on our plans to support the community with a vision for Shirley Community Reserve
Measures of Success

Any work carried out on the reserve will mirror the community vision.

Progress to date/actions taken
  • From June through August 2023 Council staff started to engage on the future vision for Shirley Community Reserve with the community.
  • Pre-engagement was undertaken with tamariki and rangatahi at Shirley Primary and Intermediate schools.
  • A FRESH event (a collaboration enterprise of YCD) was undertaken at Shirley Community Reserve.
  • A stakeholder meeting was held in July 2023 on the engagement regarding the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
  • The Korero Mai – Let’s Talk consultation on Shirley Community Reserve opened 17 July and ran to 14 August 2023.
  • Staff circulated information on the engagement to residents in the Richmond and Shirley area to raise awareness in the community of the consultation.
  • Twelve engagement opportunities were undertaken with the community (Shirley Library, Avon Hub, Shirley café, rest home).
  • The Board was briefed in December 2023, where the engagement results were presented to the Board, along with the feasibility study. Answers to the Board’s questions from the briefing were supplied by way of memo.
Measures of success

The reserve will be a destination of choice for the community, a safe space, a place that enhances well-being, and provides a place for social connection.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • To be explored once the community’s vision for the future of Shirley Community Reserve is clarified through the community engagement process.
Progress to date / actions taken
  • Engagement on the future of Shirley Community Reserve promoted through the Area Report, Board member social media channels, and activities with stakeholders.
  • Video produced demonstrating the various engagement activities undertaken with the community and schools promoting their participation in shaping the future of Shirley Community Reserve.
Progress to date / actions taken
  • Korero Mai – Let’s Talk consultation webpage hyperlinked to Community Board Plan, which expressly shows that the Board will consider the goals of the Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Resilience Strategy and the Ōtautahi Christchurch Urban Forest Plan in all decision making.
Measures of success

CPTED principles will be applied to the project.

Progress to date / actions taken
  • Advocacy through presentation to Council at its June 2023 meeting, including a slide highlighting the Board’s Community Policing, CPTED, CCTV & RTO Dialogues, specifically noting that the Board, after consulting with the community, adopted within its Board Plan to ask that CPTED principles are considered for Shirley Community Reserve.
  • At its February 2024 meeting, the Board approved funding from its Better Off Fund for a CPTED report for the Shirley Community Reserve project (in due course of the Board deciding the nature of the project) to address any safety issues and how to reduce any opportunities for crime, in any future planning stages.
Progress to date / actions taken
  • The Board supported in its submission on the Council’s Annual Plan 2023-24 funding relating to Shirley Community Reserve retaining priority.
  • The Board Chair in the LTP briefing to Council in October 2023 highlighted priority to retain funding.
  • The Board’s LTP 2024-34 submission noted that: Shirley Community Reserve (projects 20053 and 74005) is a specific dedicated priority in the Community Board Plan. The community has been consulted several times over the last three terms regarding their vision for the future of the reserve, where a well used Community Centre stood before the Canterbury earthquakes. The Board supports funding being brought forward to be in line with a forthcoming Board decision. This will provide certainty to the community that this key space will be duly invested in and developed so it can be successfully activated. There is understood to be additional funding for the Parks-funded component of Shirley Community Reserve, available in the parent programme (61782), subject to the nature of the decision on its future of the reserve, theoretically suggesting the possibility of commencing with Parks-funded components ahead of where the Facility funding (20053) is currently sitting. Again, the Board would like to see the Parks funding drawn down from the parent programme into a separate line item, so that it may be visible and subject to a current decision-making process.