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Consultation open

We have a plan to fix up Chelsea Street by renewing a section of road and replacing the old kerb and drains. We are also planning to make the street easier for pedestrians to get around and encourage drivers to stick to the 30km/h speed limit.

The plan

  • Renew the street, between Russell and Pamela Streets
  • Replace the old kerb and deep-dish gutters between 30-40 Chelsea Street, and between Russell and Pamela Streets on both sides of the street.
  • Widen the footpath on the northern side of the street between Russell and Pamela Streets. The planting will include a mix of species, featuring native trees such as Tōtara and Hoheria, complemented by low-lying shrubs suited to this location.
  • Install four 75mm speed humps to achieve a safer 30km/h operational speed for vehicles. Three of these speed bumps include kerb buildouts between Linwood Ave and Pamela Street, and two will include Trident Maple trees.
  • Improved cyclist directional paint at the Linwood Ave end of Chelsea Street where cyclists enter and exit the Major Cycle Route.
  • Tactile pavers (textured ground surfaces) which help visually impaired pedestrians cross the road.
  • Street lighting upgrades from Linwood Ave to Pamela Street will be undertaken where required.

As part of this work we'll also check what maintenance the footpath needs, and if there are any drainage issues.

Please click the image below to view it in full screen.

Plan for Chelsea Street renewal

Why this area?

The Linwood and Woolston area was identified as a priority for the government’s Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility funding package.

The areas selected had high numbers of potholes, accidents, near misses and requests. They also experienced significant damage and disruption or have more people travelling in these areas due to changes in travel patterns following the earthquakes.

In 2022, the Community Board approved Chelsea Street renewal as part of the Linwood CRAF programme of work.

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