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Consultation closed

Consultation on Deans Avenue pedestrian crossing has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 20 November to 15 December 2024. You will be able to read their feedback and the staff recommendation once the agenda is available for the Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton meeting, which we expect to be in March 2025 (TBC).

We have a plan to improve safety for pedestrians crossing Deans Avenue between Oakford Close and Palazzo Lane. This plan will also improve accessibility to Hagley Park for local residents and people parking on Deans Avenue.

The plan

  • A staggered pedestrian crossing with a fenced pedestrian refuge island on Deans Avenue, between Oakford Close and Palazzo Lane. This is to provide a safe crossing point in a high use area for pedestrians.
  • Speed humps on the approaches to the new crossing. The crossing is in a busy location with many people, including tamariki and rangatahi visiting Hagley Park, for school and weekend sports, for walking and enjoying the park, and also attending events. The speed humps are aimed at slowing traffic down. This means people have more time to react and avoid a crash and the impact of a crash is also less severe at lower speeds.
  • Merging the southbound lanes between Freyburg Avenue and Oakford Close, to reduce the number of lanes at the new crossing.
  • A new two metre path connecting the crossing to the existing shared path in Hagley Park.

Please click the image below to view it in full screen.

Deans Ave Plan

Why this area?

The Riccarton/Fendalton areas were identified as a priority for the government’s Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility funding package.

In 2021, we asked the local community about their transport priorities for the Riccarton/Fendalton area. Making it easier for pedestrians to cross Deans Ave was one of the things that we heard that people wanted prioritised.

Tell us what you think

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