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Consultation closed

Consultation on Simeon Street crossing improvements has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 25 September to 13 October 2024. You will be able to read their feedback and the staff recommendation once the agenda is available for the Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board meeting, which we expect to be early 2025.

We have a plan to make it easier for people to move around Simeon Street safely.

The plan

  • A pedestrian crossing with a refuge island in the centre. This is to provide a safe crossing point in a high-use area for school students and those accessing the bus stop.
  • Speed cushions on the approaches to the pedestrian crossing to slow vehicles where pedestrians are crossing. Speed cushions can be straddled by heavy vehicles, including busses.
  • Kerb buildouts to narrow Howard Street at its intersection with Simeon Street. This slows vehicles down when they have to turn and provides a shorter and safer crossing distance for pedestrians.
To make room for the new pedestrian crossing and kerb buildouts, 10 on-street carparks would need to be removed on Simeon Street and one on Howard Street. The location of these are shown on the plan below as yellow no-stopping lines.

Why this area?

The Beckenham, Somerfield, Spreydon, Waltham area was identified as a priority for the government’s Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility funding package.

The areas selected had high numbers of potholes, accidents, near misses and requests. They also experienced significant damage and disruption or have more people travelling in these areas due to changes in travel patterns following the earthquakes.

In 2021, we asked the local community about their transport priorities for the Beckenham, Somerfield, Spreydon, Waltham area and received requests to slow down vehicles and make it easier for pedestrians to cross Simeon Street.

Other priorities were also identified, so now’s a good time to sign up to Kōrero mai | Let’s talk (‘Join’ in the top right corner of the page), to be notified when we’re ready for feedback on other plans as part of this package.

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