Read updates on our plans for community facilities
Measures of Success

We supported Suburbs Rugby Club with the renovation and management of Coronation Hall.

Progress to date/actions taken

Suburbs has taken up a lease and now occupies Coronation Hall. This project is now complete.


Measures of success

We decided on the future use of the top floor of Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre.

Progress to date / actions taken

Staff have been working alongside the Shoreline Trust to find a new base for Youth Activities within Matuku Takotako. Initially the Fuse Youth took a long-term booking to run their programme in a shared space in the facility. More recently Fuse have taken up residence in a room that accesses the stairs and outside space in the facility and held a blessing for their new venue. This process has involved discussion and agreement with Council staff and community groups who also use the building.

A further conversation about how Shoreline might manage the community space is ongoing.

Shoreline Youth Trust are not wanting to take on the responsibility for managing and activating the community areas at Matuku Takotako.

Some risks: conversations about how Shoreline might manage the community space is ongoing.

Measures of success

Hoon Hay Community Centre’s renovations are completed on time.

Progress to date / actions taken

The opening of the newly renovated Hoon Hay community centre was celebrated on 12 August 2023.

The Board granted $8,500 of better off funding to provide shade sails for the Community Centre, which will make the outdoor space more user friendly.

This project is now completed.


Measures of success

A pump track and basketball court at Hunter Terrace are completed on time.

Progress to date / actions taken

This project is now integrated in the wider landscape of the rebuild of the South Library. The pump track and basketball court aspects of the project will be delayed to ensure it is CPTED compliant, and to allow for fundraising by the community for a shortfall in funding. This will mean that the overall project will meet the aspirations of the community. The Board has advocated for extra space to facilitate the installation of a full, rather than a half- basketball court; and is assured by staff that this request has been taken into account.

On track: Board to monitor delivery of pump track and basketball court.

Measures of success

Occupancy of community facilities is increased.

Progress to date / actions taken

The Addington Neighbourhood Building project has this outcome in mind, as does the work at Matuku Takotako.

The Somerfield Hall has received a much-needed overhaul, and the Board granted $15,000 of Better Off Funding to provide new furniture to match the upgraded facility, completed in September. Governance staff worked alongside community members to support them to manage the facility into the future in alignment with the new rules required for incorporated societies. Celebrate Somerfield took place on 28 September 2024 at the newly renovated hall.

On track: funding of projects has been achieved.