Measures of Success
A new cycleway linking Westmorland to the Nor-West Arc Major Cycleway is completed on time.
Measures of success
The Slow Speed Neighbourhood programme is completed on time.
Measures of success
The Slow Speed Neighbourhood programme is completed on time.
Measures of success
New links from Barrington Mall and Hendersons Road to major cycleways are budgeted in the Long Term Plan.
Measures of success
Wayfinding on cycleways is improved, including signposts on beginnings/endings.
Measures of success
New procurement opportunities have included the opportunity for local contractors to bid.
Progress to date / actions taken
September 2023
- Repairs and maintenance work has been approved in Le Bons Bay and Okuti Valley community facilities utilising local tradespeople.
Measures of success
Pedestrian safety measures are on Hoon Hay Road are planned and budgeted for.
Measures of success
Cycling routes in Waltham are improved.
Measures of success
The Cashmere Road public transport route is implemented.
Measures of success
Planned bus shelters and seats are completed on time.
Measures of success
We advocated for Environment Canterbury to implement more bus routes.
Measures of success
We communicated with our community about why safe and active transport matters.
Progress to date/actions taken
In November and December 2023, the Te Ara Ihutai Christchurch Coastal Pathway and Puari ki Kahuhura Heathcote Expressway were opened. These routes play key roles in improving safety for cyclists and other road users.
Safe and active Transport options were in the top five priorities for Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote community members in Council’s ‘What Matters Most’ pre-LTP engagement and have been high in the Board’s LTP advocacy list.
Throughout the year Board members have consciously advocated for how this priority can be integrated into all transport initiatives undertaken in the Board area. To this end, the Board met with transport staff to discuss and seek advice about maximising opportunities for cycleway connections and links.
Tight budget for the LTP, will mean that the Board will continue to monitor this priority carefully.
In the Board’s submission to the LTP, the Board strongly encouraged Council to prioritise projects that enable residents to use safe active transport means and reminded Council of the importance of active transport to meet Council’s emission targets.
Subsequently, funding for cycleways was pulled by central government. Safe Speed Plans are currently on hold, pending the outcome of the Government’s ‘Setting of Speed Limits 2024’ consultation. The final LTP includes money for cycleways, including $3.770 million for the Southern Lights and $11.497 million for the Opawaho River Route. Funding for the Simeon Street cycleway will be revisited once the Government has confirmed its National Land Transport Programme.
In October 2024, the Board were briefed on the progress and engagement themes and options for Spreydon, Somerfield, Waltham and Beckenham CRAF project options. The Board were also briefed on design options for the Southern Lights Major Cycleway for feedback, noting the project will be on hold until further budget becomes available in FY29 and FY30.
Some risks: Board will continue to monitor this priority carefully