Read updates on our plans to respond to intensification in Spreydon
Measures of Success

A local plan is developed, alongside local people, which coordinates work currently planned and reduces the impact of intensification in Spreydon.

Progress to date/actions taken

The Community Board has advocated for resource for this project at LTP development meetings throughout the year.

University of Canterbury students in the 2024 Resilient Cities class (GEOG402) are currently carrying out a research project in Spreydon with the purpose of providing evidence that assists the Board to better understand the issues facing children in Spreydon, living in a rapidly intensifying environment. The University of Canterbury students presented outcomes and a report on this project to the board.

Some risks: not included in the LTP

Measures of success

The CRAF transport programme is completed on time in Spreydon.

Progress to date / actions taken

In progress, underway. Funding has been allocated in the LTP, 25/26 FY, for project planning and funding to improve the levels of service.

On track: Board has been engaged with development of projects

Measures of success

The Slow Speed Neighbourhood programme is completed on time in Spreydon.

Progress to date / actions taken


Measures of success

The Selwyn Street Master Plan is completed on time.

Progress to date / actions taken

The finalised LTP includes $146,000 for the Selwyn Street Master Plan.

On track: funding made available, Board to monitor delivery

Measures of success

More trees are planted on Council land in Spreydon.

Progress to date / actions taken

The Board has identified the Urban Forest Plan as a good means by which to achieve this goal. Fruit trees have been planted in Simeon Park.

On track: to be delivered through Urban Forest Plan

Measures of success

Implementation of the Selwyn Street Innovating Streets project is budgeted in the Long Term Plan.

Progress to date / actions taken

The Board included this in advocacy for the long term plan. Government funding for the Innovating Streets Project was removed by central government. There is now an opportunity to apply innovation via the CRAF programme.

Some issues: Government funding removed. Opportunity to implement through CRAF