Measures of Success
An implementation plan for the Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote Guidance Plan is developed.
Progress to date/actions taken
The Community Board has met with the OHRN in briefings over the term. There is a proposal for a Weed Management Project for the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River, which will be funded by Community Board Better Off Funds.
The Board granted $102,000 of better off funding towards to Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network towards the Integrated Pest Plant Management Project. This partnership initiative aims to bring together the community and cross-council staff to better manage and where possible eradicate pest plants that threaten the water quality of the Ōpāwaho River, and its surrounding environment. This partnership project is being co-designed between community, staff and Community Board members, and will complement the work currently being done by CCC and ECAN. The steering group similarly draws from the groups in the partnership.
The Council has allocated, as part of the LTP, $5 million (CAPEX of $500,000 per year) over 10 years to provide necessary expertise to develop the Lower Ōpāwaho /Heathcote River Guidance Plan into an implementation plan with prioritised projects, and to commence implementation of the Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote River Guidance Plan.
On track: being delivered
Measures of success
Priority items in the Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote Guidance Plan are budgeted in the Long Term Plan
Progress to date / actions taken
As the Community Board has met with community groups and/or been briefed by staff the Board has ensured that any work being done is consistent with the principles of the guidance plan. A notable example is with the Ferrymead Development Plan.
The Council has allocated, as part of the LTP, $5 million (CAPEX of $500,000 per year) over 10 years to provide necessary expertise to develop the Lower Ōpāwaho /Heathcote River Guidance Plan into an implementation plan with prioritised projects, and to commence implementation of the Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote River Guidance Plan.
On track: funding secured in LTP
Measures of success
Estuary wildlife is better protected from disturbance by dogs.
Progress to date / actions taken
The Board has been briefed by staff and keeps a watchful eye on this matter, in particular looking to influence policy change in the area.
The dog bylaw and policy will go out for public feedback late 2024 with final adoption to be considered by the Council in 2025.
Some issues: ongoing effort required.
Measures of success
Pest management initiatives are supported and implemented.
Progress to date / actions taken
The Community Board prioritised this activity in its Community Board funding and submission to LTP.
The Council allocated $1.7 million in the first three years of the LTP for the habitat restoration/pest control programmes for Coastal and Plains and Port Hills and Banks Peninsula.On track: funding secured through LTP, monitor implementation
Measures of success
Development of the Port Hills Management Plan is budgeted in the Long Term Plan.
Progress to date / actions taken
The Board has met with interested community groups about the proposed plan, and held a workshop to get some shared understanding about their aspirations for the plan, which enable them to more clearly advocate when planning processes begin.
A number of groups have expressed interest to the Community Board to be involved in the process when it begins. A report will come to the Board in December 2024 to introduce the project to create a vision document for the publicly accessible land on the Port Hills / Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua. The vision document for the Port Hills will be a collaborative effort, developed in partnership with mana whenua and in consultation with relevant and willing landowners and managers, with its key purpose to establish a shared vision that coordinates the development, use, and management of publicly accessible areas on the Port Hills.
Funding for the Port Hills Management Plan is within Council’s operational budget and no further funding is required.
The Board granted $56,534 of better off funding to the Summit Road Society towards Port Hills Planting, increasing biodiversity and sedimentation prevention. Sedimentation is a key issue affecting the water quality of the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River, as sediment from the hills washes off the hills and down the tributaries following major rain events. It is exacerbated by fire on the hills which removes plant cover. Planting of locally sourced native flora on the hills not only assist to prevent erosion and sedimentation in the waterways, it also restores the biodiversity of the environment making it more resilient to climate change. This grant is intended to assist the Summit Road Society in their planting work in the Community Board Area.
Some issues: Board still awaiting to be presented with the Plan from staff.
Measures of success
Two community initiatives along the mid-Heathcote Ōpāwaho River are in place.
Progress to date / actions taken
This will commence once implementation of the Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote River Guidance Plan is operational.
Not progressing not delivered.
Measures of success
Completed projects from the Mid-Heathcote Masterplan fit with the surrounding area, including a new pump track and basketball court on Hunter Terrace, the rebuild of the former South Library and the South Christchurch Farmers’ Market.
Progress to date / actions taken
Design for the new facility now incorporates both the building and its surroundings.
The Board is in agreement with a delay in completing the pump track and basketball part of the project, so that it can be integrated in the design and is safe in accordance with CPTED principles. The Board has also advocated for securing a larger full court space on Hunter Terrace.
The council has allocated $67,456 in the 2024/25 LTP to the renewal and replacement of the bicycle pump track at Hunter Terrace.
The Council has allocated $130,410 in the LTP over the next three years to the Mid Heathcote Masterplan Implementation, targeted to restoration and protection of the mid-section of the Heathcote River and its margins.
On track: design incorporates surroundings, Board to monitor build.