Read updates on our plans to connect and engage with a wider range of people
Measures of Success

Briefings are made more accessible to the community, including sharing content when possible.

Progress to date/actions taken

Briefings have been open for a number of relevant topics. From 1 April 2024 all Information Session/Workshops have been open and livestreamed.

On track: meetings now live-streamed

Measures of success

A pilot youth programme is established.

Progress to date / actions taken

An initial Youth Hui is being organised for 7 November 2024 to explore how the Board can better engage with young people in the Board’s area. The outcome of the Hui is to explore how the youth voice can be heard by the board, feed into consultations, and for the Board to understand their needs.

Some issues: Board is exploring ways to engage young people.

Measures of success

We brought issues raised by our community to meetings and briefings to request staff advice.

Progress to date / actions taken

Public attendance at Community Board meetings is encouraged by the Board and is regular. As formal meetings are now held monthly, a Public Participation session is held on the alternative fortnight prior to Community Board briefings. This has been attended at every session across the year except for the very first, where people were not aware of the possibility. Elected members also raise Customer Service Requests and Hybris requests on behalf of the community.

On track: Board regularly seeks staff advice for community concerns

Measures of success

We engaged with our communities in-person and via social media.

Progress to date / actions taken

The new Community Board website was launched, it provides a platform for better engagement with the Community. It is a great resource to showcase what’s happening for our board and our local area. The update of the Board webpage is managed by the governance team.

On track: Board has launched its website, and it is kept updated.

Measures of success

Additional ways to enable participatory democracy are put in place.

Progress to date / actions taken

Opportunities for additional ways to improve participatory democracy include:

  • AFSCHA revised brief for Age Friendly Spreydon Cashmere Heathcote, focussing on the Community Board Plan
  • A fun process for Community Board members to engage with the community at the Waltham Fair
  • A more intentional process for Community Board attendance at community functions
  • The FENZ workshops

Planning for further activity is underway.

On track: Board has pursued additional ways to support participatory democracy.