Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback on this project

We received a total of 54 submissions about Arthur Street, from 50 individuals and the following organisations:

  • Middleton Grange School
  • Chinese Consulate General (Christchurch)
  • Canterbury/West Coast Automobile Association District Council
  • Spokes Canterbury

What you told us

During consultation we heard from 54 individuals and groups. Of the 43 online submissions received, only 18.6% currently feel somewhat safe on Arthur Street. Only 19% fully supported the plan, with another 40.5% partially supporting and 40.5% not supporting the plan.

While the majority of submitters supported the yellow no stopping lines, and the three P60 car parks, it was clear that submitters felt that permanent parking on both sides of the street will hinder traffic flow and safety. Submitters also made it clear to us that removal of time restrictions was not preferable. Some submitters asked us to introduce permanent no stopping lines on one side of the street, and increase signage and make it more clear.

You can read more about what we heard in the meeting agenda below, which includes the staff report. To read all the feedback we received, view the submission table below.

Changes we've made following public feedback

We’ve made a decision on Arthur Street

The Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board decided to approve the updated plan, on 15 August 2024.

The Community Board made the following changes to the proposal:

  • Changing the parking restriction signage to better reflect school times (8-9am and 2.15pm-3.30pm on school days only)
  • Paint parking ticks (white boxes to indicate where to park) near the school to improve compliance

You can read the meeting minutes three working days after the meeting which include the formal resolutions

You can also watch the decision being made.

What happens next?

We expect line marking and signage work to start October/November 2024.

Decision meeting - Arthur Street