Application Withdrawn
This application was withdrawn on 18 April 2024. A new application was received under RMA/2024/576
Project status: Pre-hearing
Open for submission: 17 March 2018 to 17 April 2018
Reference number: RMA/2017/3196
Applicant name: Lee Pee Limited C/Matt Bonis, Planz Consultant Ltd
Site address: 137 Cambridge Terrace and 65 – 69 Worcester Street, Central City, Christchurch
Description of proposed activity: Development of an International Standard Hotel development, consisting of 150 bedrooms, dining areas, and public restaurants, retail, gym and atrium space. Demolition of a ‘significant’ (Group 2) heritage item, being Harley Chambers, and the substantial alteration and demolition of a ‘highly significant’ (Group 1) item, being Worcester Chambers.
Company: Planz Consultants Limited
Overview and Assessment of Environmental Effects, Planz Consultants [PDF, 2.6 MB]
Applicant statement & Legal Assessment, Wynn Williams [PDF, 16 MB]
Architecture, design, plans, Warren & Mahoney - Part One [PDF, 7.9 MB]
Architecture, design, plans, Warren & Mahoney - Part Two [PDF, 4.9 MB]
Cost estimate of options, AECOM [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Engineering and Structural Report,Quion [PDF, 31 MB]
Heritage Impact Assessment, Smart Alliances [PDF, 21 MB]
Integrated Transport Assessment, TDG [PDF, 4.1 MB]
Preliminary Site Investigation, Envisor [PDF, 4.3 MB]
Urban Design Panel recommendations & letter from Council [PDF, 967 KB]