Consultation closed
The current play equipment has come to the end of its useful life and is being replaced with modern, fit for purpose play equipment. This is mostly a ‘like-for-like’ renewal, so we plan to select the modern equivalent of the existing equipment.
Currently, the play space offers 2 bay swing set and a modular structure with climbing, balancing and sliding play opportunities.
What we’re planning
We're planning to renew the play space with modern versions of the existing equipment or alternatives that offer similar play value. This could include swings and a modular structure or we could swap the modular structure for individual sliding / spinning / rocking / climbing based equipment.
We could consider a changing some play features to focus on nature play and incorporating climbing elements or hut-like play features. This could include swings in the trees.
We intend to renew the existing footpaths due to their poor condition and potentially add playful and skateable / scooter-able features in some areas. We also intend to provide an accessible picnic table.