
Community Funding Hui

18 March 2024

On March 13th, approximately 60 people from a range of community organisations attended a funding hui with staff from each the Christchurch City Council, the Rata Foundation, and The Department of Internal Affairs.

Participants heard presentations on what funding is available and what the key priorities are. The hui ended with networking opportunities for the groups and opportunity to speak with the funding advisors.

A second hui will be hosted in Riccarton on April 2nd.

Funding Hui

Participants at the Funding Hui held on March 13th

Strengthening Communities Fund

The Strengthening Communities fund is open for applications and closes at noon on Friday 12 April. This fund supports community-focused organisations whose projects contribute to the strengthening of community wellbeing. Prior to applying or if you have any questions about the fund, you can contact Marie, Bailey and Sam. Please see their contact details below.

Sam Savage (Community Recreation Adviser) 941 6889

Bailey Peterson (Community Development Adviser) 941 6743

Marie Byrne (Community Development Adviser) 941 6502