
Riccarton Collective February Hui

9 February 2024

Members of the Riccarton Collective

Members of the Riccarton Collective

Members of the Riccarton Collective and wider Riccarton community organisation representatives came together on Thursday 8th February to connect and have key conversations about the Riccarton Community.

Presentations from Jade Humphrey (Predator Free Riccarton), Matt Meek (Riccarton Community Church/CDN Trust), and Reece Papuni (Papuni Boxing) were delivered to the group, each sharing about their organisations and current projects and programs that they are delivering.

Participants workshopped the Riccarton Vision Document, which is a community vision that has been developed by community organisations to support them in collaborating on community Projects and understand what the priorities are for the Riccarton community. Each group highlighted the areas of the vision that they are already supporting and identified the emerging needs of the community that could be added to the updated vision. An updated vision document will be shared once completed.

Jade Humphrey (Predator Free Riccarton)

Jade Humphrey (Predator Free Riccarton)

Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt spoke to the Collective about the upcoming Long Term Plan, sharing what he has been hearing from the community and asking for feedback on the key priority areas for Riccarton within the LTP. Participants were asked to share and engage in the Long Term Plan process to ensure Riccarton is well represented.

The Riccarton Collective is aimed at fostering a stronger, safer, and more connected community in Riccarton. This group provides a platform for members to come together to share perspectives and open up pathways between community and local government.

Discussion led by Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt

Discussion led by Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt