
Another successful regeneration area planting season in the books

6 November 2023

The 2023 planting season was another bumper for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, with Council rangers, volunteers and community groups planting about 34,000 native seedlings in the 602-hectare regeneration area.

Christchurch City Council’s Red Zone Manager, David Little, says that with the plants now in the ground, the focus has turned to maintenance days.

“It was a successful planting season, particularly in Goodman Street, the Richmond Community Garden, Cedarwood Drive, Amelia Rogers Reserve, Dallington Terrace and the Deville Place 5000 Trees site,” says Mr Little.

“Our maintenance days are already under way, where the planted areas are weeded and mulched to combat the spring flush, with two more scheduled before Christmas.”

A ranger-led maintenance day will be held on 4 November at Deville Place, and a Conservation Volunteers NZ-supported day will be held on 25 November at the Cedarwood Drive site.

Community partnerships ranger, Sarah Mankelow, says a number of community groups also hold regular planting and maintenance events, and these are usually advertised on their Facebook pages. PEEEP Trust, an organisation that supports people returning to the workforce, is also helping with maintenance.

Meanwhile rangers have strategically placed mulch piles around the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, and watering stations in drier areas, so that walkers and passers-by can help the nearby seedlings and plants survive the summer.

“Any help we can get from the public makes a big difference,” says Ms Mankelow.

“Mulching and watering the plants are great opportunities for people to volunteer and give back to the community, while helping us restore the ecology and biodiversity of this remarkable area.”

Click here for more information on the upcoming maintenance days