Read updates on our plans for Aranui / Wainoni safety initiatives
Measures of Success:

Increased hours of usage at the Aranui-Wainoni Community Centre with a more diverse range of users booking the facility.

Progress to date:

March 2024

Governance Team Staff have been working with various community groups who have expressed interest in booking spaces within the Aranui-Wainoni Community Centre and are actively working with the Facilities team to accommodate their requests where possible.

Staff have worked with Youth and Cultural Development (YCD) to develop a series of 3v3 Streetball events across the city. Four of these events were held in the Waitai Community Board area; staff ensured one of these were held at Wainoni Park with the others being held in Linwood and Woolston culminating in the final held in New Brighton. The Hoopz series is aimed at giving rangatahi who have never had a chance to join a team or play competitively a chance to compete in a tournament and test their skills against other players their age. The partners involved have reported back how much raw talent they've seen in the players showing up to each one who have never had any coaching or formal playing experience.

September 2023

Staff are currently scoping potential projects/resource that can be utilised to support the activation and community management of the Aranui-Wainoni Community Centre as well as supporting the activation of the Wainoni Park area.

Measures of success:

Directly sponsor and support collaborative projects that aim to activate and increase usage of Wainoni Park.

Progress to date:

March 2024

The Aranui Streets for people project is currently in its final installation phase after an amended trial proposal was approved by the Community Board in December 2023. Since implementation there has been alterations made to the initial installation because of community feedback. Consultation will remain open throughout the trial phase with design changes able to be made based on the feedback received throughout the trial phase.

Progress to date:

March 2024

Staff have worked with Youth and Cultural Development (YCD) to develop a series of 3v3 Streetball events across the city. Staff ensured that one of these events were held at Wainoni Park. The Hoopz series is aimed at giving rangatahi who have never had a chance to join a team or play competitively a chance to compete in a tournament and test their skills against other players their age. The partners involved have reported back how much raw talent they've seen in the players showing up to each one who have never had any coaching or formal playing experience.

Additionally, staff have been working with community organisations who provide programmes aimed at Rangatahi have expressed interest in long term bookings within the Aranui-Wainoni Community Centre. In addition, staff have supported A-Town Boxing Gym in lodging applications with both Rata and through internal Council funding to secure resource to complete the roof repair project of their Gym located on the park. This free up valuable resource within their organisation to focus on growing their programmes, with particular emphasis on providing accessible suited classes.

September 2023

Funding was provided over the next three years to ACTIS to support the ongoing costs associated with running AFFIRM.

The Community Board funded Six groups through the Strengthening Communities Funding scheme for projects linking to youth engagement/activation in the Aranui community. One event was funded for the Aranui community – AFFIRM on Wainoni Park December 2022 and one event supported ‘Unstoppable’ collaboration lead by He Waka Tapu held in Wainoni Park in March 2023.

Measures of success:

Increased number of tickets generated and issues resolved through use of the app.

Progress to date:

March 2024

Staff attended the 2023 Affirm event, promoting several council initiatives and projects including the Snap, Send, Solve app. As part of the Aranui Streets for People project, staff are investigating ways to promote the use of snap send solve across the Aranui Community through various methods which could include signage/wayfinding and street/pathway art.

September 2023

Community Governance Team Staff have taken the lead on coordinating a number of Council Units to be in attendance at the 2023 AFFIRM event held at the Park to raise awareness of services such as Snap, Send, Solve; the CCC Graffiti Programme and Give Gear Get Great.