
Community Waterways Partnership Fund

4 October 2024

Community Waterways Partnership Fund

Apply for the Community Waterways Partnership Fund

The Community Waterways Partnership Fund is open until midday Friday 25 October 2024. Applicants will be notified of their funding decision in late November.

All organisations applying for funding must also complete a community organisation registration. Organisations only need to register once per year, regardless of how many grant applications they intend to make.


Projects that aim to improve and protect our urban waterways can apply for funding through the Council’s Community Waterways Partnership Fund.

The $50,000 funding pool is open to community organisations, schools, social enterprises and businesses.

The fund supports the mahi of the Community Waterways Partnership – a collaborative partnership between the Council and community groups, schools, businesses and regional government with guidance in respect of mana whenua.

Head of Three Waters Gavin Hutchison says the Council is proud to support local projects with the fund.

“The fund helps groups enable community implementation of positive stormwater, habitat and water conservation actions and solutions, and this is something we want to deliver to the people of Christchurch to improve our urban waterways.

“We encourage those who meet the requirements to apply for funding, and we’re excited to see the ideas that come forward.”

Previously the fund has supported initiatives to reduce litter and clean Christchurch’s waterways.

A wheelie bin latch trial was funded to stop litter entering local waterways by addressing the issue of storm events toppling bins on collection days (plus people overflowing bins).

A project to engage communities and schools to conduct regular in-river litter clean ups via a small boat and net in the Ōtākaro/Avon River and a campaign to stop litter entering our waterways by regularly picking up five pieces of litter was also funded.

Mr Hutchison says the grant aims to support several projects so encourages applicants to approach other funds that may be more suited to specific proposals.

“The Council provides a wide range of community funds that may be more suitable to some initiatives, so it’s worth looking through these alongside other external funds so all projects can have the best chance at receiving a grant.”

Over 1200 funding options from government, service organisations, corporate and philanthropic trusts are listed online.

Applications to the Community Waterways Partnership Fund can be made from Monday 30 September and will close at midday on Friday 25 October 2024.

Find more information about the Community Waterways Partnership Fund on our website.