Decisions made at the 8 July 2024 Community Board meeting
10 July 2024
Every month the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board meets and makes decisions on behalf of the community. Our last meeting was on the 8 July 2024 and the following decisions were made.
The next Community Board meeting takes place on 25 July 2024 at 3.30pm in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board Room on the corner of Union and Beresford Streets.
Reports considered and decisions made
A summary of the reports that were considered (in the order taken) and the decisions made during this Community Board meeting follows. For the full detail, please see the minutes at the bottom of the page.
Jack Halliday – Mairehau Road
Jack Halliday, local resident addressed the Board in relation to potential safety improvements on Mairehau Road by way of requesting the installation of a pedestrian crossing near the bus stop and Burwood Health Centre.
After questions from members, the Chairperson thanked Jack for his update and the Board resolved to
1. Refer the issues raised in relation to installing a pedestrian crossing on Mairehau Road to staff for investigation and response back to the Board.
Lane Street, Woolston
Steven Snow, local resident addressed the Board in relation to issues caused by street trees on Lane Street, Woolston. He advised that the trees are causing shading/debris on neighbouring properties and the debris block the drains. Steven is concerned that the debris is causing staining on the concrete drive at the neighbouring property. After questions from members, the Chairperson thanked Steven for his update.
Council officer in attendance provided those present with an overview and presentation of the tree planting plans.
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Tree Planting Plans Report.
2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Approve the planting of trees in Arran Playground, Radley Playground, Sea Eagles Reserve, Fairway Reserve, Glenroy Reserve and St Lukes Reserve as per the plans attached to the agenda report.
4. Note that deciduous trees are used for the large trees at Arran Playground and that low density canopy trees are used at the north end of Sea Eagles Reserve, Fleming Street.
5. Request that staff bring back the Bayswater Reserve Tree Planting plans with confirmation of its status in the Sports Field Network Plan.
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board Area Report - July 2024.
2. The Board request mapping or another way to see what is happening in terms of CSR’s, street by street e.g. a heat map.
3. The Board requests an overview of the street and footpath renewal projects within the Board area and a workshop with staff around engaging through that programme.
4. The Board wishes to record its thanks to the staff at Te Pou Toetoe and the In Common Team for their work on the shared kai and kōrero events.
Paul McMahon/Alex Hewison Carried