Decisions made at the 9 December 2024 Community Board Meeting
10 December 2024
Every month the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board meets and makes decisions on behalf of the community. Our last meeting was on the 9 December 2024 and the following decisions were made.
The next Community Board meeting takes place on 10 February 2025 at 4.30pm in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board Room on the corner of Union and Beresford Streets.
Reports considered and decisions made
A summary of the reports that were considered (in the order taken) and the decisions made during this Community Board meeting follows. For the full detail, please see the minutes at the bottom of the page.
Community Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00115
Substantive Motion
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
3. Receives the information in the Marine Parade Street Renewal Project - Hawke Street to Bowhill Road Report.
4. Notes that the decision in this report is assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
5. Approves pursuant to Section 331 and 334 of the Local Government Act 1974 all kerb alignments, traffic calming devices, traffic islands and road markings on Marine Parade, as detailed in agenda Attachment A.
6. Note: A detailed traffic resolution report will be brought to the Community Board for approval before the completion of detailed design.
7. That staff investigate moving the crossing point by the exit of the North Ramp further south towards He Puna Taimoana.
8. That staff investigate removing/reducing the kerb buildouts on the western side of Marine Parade by Lonsdale Street.
Paul McMahon/Celeste Donovan Carried
Community Board Decided CCBCC/2024/00116
Part A
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board recommends that the Council:
1. In accordance with Clause 21 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017, that the path on the east side of Marine Parade, commencing at a point 22 metres north of Hawke Street, and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 292 metres, be resolved as a bi-directional cycleway.
2. In accordance with Clause 21 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017, that the path on the east side of Marine Parade, commencing at a point 314 metres north of Hawke Street, and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 947 metres, be resolved as a bi-directional Shared Path and in accordance with section 11.4 of the Land Transport Act - Traffic Control Devices Rules: 2004. This Shared Path is for the use by the classes of road user only as defined in Section 11.1A of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule: 2004.
Community Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00117
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the 67989 Improving Bromley's Roads - Scheme Design for Approval and Approval to Proceed with Detail Design and Construction report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report is assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. This is because of the localised area of proposed improvements and impact level of those affected.
3. Approves proceeding with the Phase 1a Scheme Design as detailed in agenda Attachment A. This comprises the following scope:
a. Bromley Road: 3 speed humps, 1 pedestrian crossing point, and 1 pedestrian refuge island.
b. Keighleys Road: 8 speed humps, and 1 pedestrian crossing point.
c. McGregors Road: 1 speed hump.
That the Board:
4. Approves the following recommendations required for the implementation of the project, relying on its powers under the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017 and Part 21 of the Local Government Act 1974.
5. Approves all kerb alignments, road surface treatments, traffic islands and road markings on Bromley Road, as detailed in “67989 Improving Bromley's Roads Phase1a Scheme Final for Board Approval” drawings attached to the agenda report as Attachment A.
6. Approves that any previous resolutions pertaining to parking and stopping restrictions made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they conflict with the parking and stopping restrictions described in clauses 4-7 are revoked.
Stopping and Parking Restrictions
7. Approves that the stopping of all vehicles be prohibited at all times, in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017, on the north side of Bromley Road commencing at a point 47metres north-west of its intersection with Maces Road and extending in a north westerly direction for a distance of 9 metres.
8. Approves that the stopping of all vehicles be prohibited at all times, in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017, on the north side of Bromley Road commencing at a point 71 metres north-west of its intersection with Maces Road and extending in a north-westerly direction for a distance of 55 metres.
9. Approves that the stopping of all vehicles be prohibited at all times, in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017, on the south side of Bromley Road commencing at a point 81 metres north-west of its intersection with Maces Road and extending in a north-westerly direction for a distance of 48 metres.
10. Approves that the stopping of all vehicles be prohibited at all times, in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017, on the south side of Bromley Road commencing at a point 144 metres north-west of its intersection with Maces Road and extending in a north-westerly direction for a distance of 9 metres.
Bus Stops
11. Approves that a bus stop be revoked on the north side of Bromley Road commencing at a point 102 metres north-west of its intersection with Maces Road and extending in a north-westerly direction for a distance of approximately 15 metres in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017.
12. Approves that a bus stop be installed on the north side of Bromley Road commencing at a point 56 metres north-west of its intersection with Maces Road and extending in a north-westerly direction for a distance of approximately 15 metres in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017.
13. That bus stop facilities including a set of directional and warning tactile pavers, and a bus stop sign are installed at the bus stop as shown on Agenda Attachment A in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw 2017.
14. Request that staff investigate options for improving the berm on Keighleys Road on the side where it boarders the cemetery.
15. Requests that staff investigate options for plantings to improve the amenity of the road improvements.
16. Note: Council is working on a Bromley Traffic Plan and currently has Ruru and Maces Roads on the renewal schedule.
Paul McMahon/Jackie Simons CarriedCommunity Board Recommendation
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Orrick Crescent and Wainoni Road - Proposed intersection improvements Report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Revokes any previous resolutions pertaining to traffic controls made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they are in conflict with the parking or stopping restrictions described in resolutions 4 to 5 below.
4. Approves that in accordance with Clause 6 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that a Stop control be placed against Orrick Crescent at its intersection with Wainoni Road, as shown in Agenda Attachment A.
5. Approves that in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the northern side of Wainoni Road, commencing at a point 14 metres southwest of its intersection with Orrick Crescent and extending in a ssouth-westerly direction for a distance of 16 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A.
6. Approves that these resolutions take effect when parking signage and/or road markings that evidence the restrictions described in this staff report are in place (or removed in the case of revocations).
Jackie Simons/Paul McMahon LostCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00118 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Breezes Road - Proposed Removal of No Stopping Restrictions Report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Revokes any previous resolutions pertaining to traffic controls made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they are in conflict with the parking or stopping restrictions described in resolutions 4 to 5 below.
4. Approves that in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be allowed at any time on the northern side of Breezes Road, commencing at a point 180 metres northwest of its intersection with Pages Road and extending in a north westerly direction for a distance of 29 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A.
5. Approves that in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be allowed at any time on the southern side of Breezes Road, commencing at a point 134 metres northwest of its intersection with Pages Road and extending in a north westerly direction for a distance of 73 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A.
6. Approves that these resolutions take effect when parking signage and/or road markings that evidence the restrictions described in this staff report are in place (or removed in the case of revocations).
Kelly Barber/Celeste Donovan CarriedCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00119 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Netley Place - Proposed No Stopping Restrictions Report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Revokes any previous resolutions pertaining to traffic controls made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they are in conflict with the parking or stopping restrictions described in resolutions 4 – 6 below.
4. Approves that in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the southern side of Netley Place, commencing at a point 5 metres southeast of its intersection with Corhampton Street and extending in a south easterly direction for a distance of 18 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A.
5. Approves that in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the southern side of Netley Place, commencing at a point 35 metres southeast of its intersection with Corhampton Street and extending in a south easterly direction for a distance of 3 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A.
6. Approves that in accordance with Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at any time on the northern side of Netley Place, commencing at a point 33 metres southeast of its intersection with Corhampton Street, extending in a south easterly direction and following the general road alignment for a distance of 44 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A.
7. Approves that these resolutions take effect when parking signage and/or road markings that evidence the restrictions described in this staff report are in place (or removed in the case of revocations).
Celeste Donovan/Paul McMahon CarriedCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00120 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Beach Road - Marine Parade Safety Improvements Report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Approves pursuant to Section 331 and 334 of the Local Government Act 1974 all traffic calming devices on Beach Road and Marine Parade as detailed in agenda Attachment A.
4. Approves that these resolutions take effect when parking signage and/or road markings that evidence the speed humps described in this staff report are in place (or removed in the case of revocations).
Jo Zervos/Alex Hewison CarriedCommunity Board Decided CCBCC/2024/00121 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part A
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board recommends that the Council:
1. Approve the leasing of redundant ‘red zone’ driveways on the western side of Rocking Horse Road from Godwit Street to Mermaid Place to immediate neighbours, subject to the terms and conditions of the attached report.
Alex Hewison/Celeste Donovan CarriedCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00122 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the City to Sea East Safety Improvements – Avondale Road Crossing Report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report is assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Approves that all kerb alignments, road surface treatments and road markings related to this crossing, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan.
4. Approves that a pedestrian crossing be established on Avondale Road, for the use of pedestrians and riders of mobility devices only, located at a point 154 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan, in accordance with Section 8.2 of the Land Transport Rule Traffic Control Devices: 2004.
5. Approves that a Give Way control be placed against the northbound Avondale Road traffic, located at a point 163 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan, in accordance with Clause 6 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017). The purpose of this Give Way control is to create priority for cyclists and riders of wheeled recreational devices only, crossing Avondale Road.
6. Approves that a Give Way control be placed against the southbound Avondale Road traffic, located at a point 144 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan, in accordance with Clause 6 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017). The purpose of this Give Way control is to create priority for cyclists and riders of wheeled recreational devices only, crossing Avondale Road.
7. Approves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017), that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all times on the eastern side of Avondale Road, commencing at its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 150 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan.
8. Approves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017), that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all time on the eastern side of Avondale Road, commencing at a point approximately 156 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 37 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan.
9. Approves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017), that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all times on the western side of Avondale Road, commencing at its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 85 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan.
10. Approves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017), that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all time on the western side of Avondale Road, commencing at a point approximately 118 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 34 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan.
11. Approves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw (2017), that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all time on the western side of Avondale Road, commencing at a point approximately 157 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 46 metres, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan.
Celeste Donovan/Yani Johanson CarriedCommunity Board Decided CCBCC/2024/00123 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part A
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board recommends that the Council:
12. Approves in accordance with Clause 21 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw (2017), that the path on the eastern side of Avondale Road, commencing at a point 142 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 19 metres be resolved as a Shared Path in accordance with section 11.4 of the Land Transport Act - Traffic Control Devices Rules: 2004, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan. This Shared Path is for the use by the classes of road user only as defined in Section 11.1A of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule: 2004.
13. Approves in accordance with Clause 21 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic & Parking Bylaw (2017), that the path on the western side of Avondale Road, commencing at a point 148 metres south of its intersection with New Brighton Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 15 metres be resolved as a Shared Path in accordance with section 11.4 of the Land Transport Act - Traffic Control Devices Rules: 2004, as detailed in Agenda Attachment A – Avondale Road Flush Pedestrian/Cycle Crossing Plan. This Shared Path is for the use by the classes of road user only as defined in Section 11.1A of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule: 2004.
14. Revokes any previous resolutions pertaining to traffic controls made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they are in conflict with the traffic controls described in 2 to 11.
15. Approves that these resolutions take effect when parking signage and/or road marking that evidence the restrictions described in 3 to 13 are in place (or removed in the case of revocations).
Celeste Donovan/Yani Johanson Carried
Community Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00124 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund Application - Shirley Boys' High School Report.
2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Approves a grant of $2,800 from its 2024/25 Discretionary Response Fund to Shirley Boys High School towards the costs for canoe polo kayaks.
Paul McMahon/Kelly Barber CarriedCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00125 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund Application - Te Pā O Rākaihautū Report.
2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Approves a grant of $3,500 from its 2024/25 Discretionary Response Fund to Te Pā O Rākaihautū towards the costs for six students to travel to Abu Dhabi in January as finalists for the Zayed Sustainability Prize.
Paul McMahon/Kelly Barber CarriedCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00126 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood 2024/25 Discretionary Response Fund Application - American Football Canterbury Incorporated Report.
2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Approves a grant of $2,000 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund to American Football Canterbury Incorporated towards Post Sleeves.
Paul McMahon/Kelly Barber CarriedCommunity Board Resolved CCBCC/2024/00127 Original Officer Recommendation accepted without change
Part C
That Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board:
1. Receives the information in the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board Recess Committee 2024/25 Report.
2. Notes that the decision in this report is assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.
3. Appoints a Recess Committee comprising the Board Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson (or their nominees from amongst the remaining Board members) plus a minimum of any other four Board members and authorises the Committee to exercise the delegated powers of the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board for the period following its ordinary meeting on 9 December 2024 up until the Board resumes its normal business from 10 February 2025.
4. Notes that any such delegation exercised by the Board’s Recess Committee will be reported to the Board for record purposes.
Alex Hewison/Jackie Simons Carried