Read updates on our plans for earthquake legacy and transport projects: Southshore Estuary Edge, QEII Masterplan, Christchurch Regeneration Acceleration Facility and Pages Road Bridge
Measures of Success:

Ensure that the matter is included in community board submissions to appropriate consultations.

Progress to date/actions taken:

March 2024

The Board will be reminded during its preparation of a Long Term Plan Submission to advocate for:

Funding to remain to see the Southshore Estuary Edge project completed, for progress on the QEII Masterplan, for the Pages Road Bridge project to be completed as soon as possible, for planning for natural hazards, climate change adaption and Tsunami evacuation and for delivery of the Ōtākaro Avon Major Cycleway Route

Measures of success:

Ensure that the matter is included in community board submissions to appropriate consultations.

Progress to date:
Measures of success:

Ensuring $100k for planning of Ōtākaro Avon Cycleway is back on the Council budget.

Progress to date:

September 2023

The Community Board made a submission to the 2023/24 Annual Plan regarding QEII Masterplan – “The Board supports the implementation of the plan and would like to prioritise the playground and number 2 carpark”

Governance staff organised a Briefing from the Parks Unit which was scheduled for 28 September 2023. This briefing provided the Community Board with the relevant information for advocation during the Long Term Plan Submission period.

Measures of success:

See works begin on the ground.

Progress to date:

September 2023:

A series of meetings were held with the Engagement Advisor assigned to the Pages Road Bridge project to ensure that they had a comprehensive list of stakeholders, and no one had been missed. The consultation was held from 31 July to 28 August 2023. The feedback is currently being collated by the Engagement Team and will be available for the Hearings Panel in October or November 2023.

The Community Board also made a submission (21 August 2023) to advocate for the project to be completed as soon as possible.

September 2023

The Community Board made a submission on the Way Safer Streets Projects (7 Linwood CERF projects) on 11 July 2023. The hearing of submissions took place on 21 and 22 September 2023.

The Community Board received an update briefing on the New Brighton CRAF Project on 11 September and another briefing has been scheduled for 6 December 2023.

Measures of success:

Progress to date: