Read updates on our plans to enhance environmental wellbeing
Measures of Success:

Funds being retained on budget for the Organics Processing Plant to be relocated.

Progress to date:

March 2024

On Wednesday 6 December 2023, the Council approved the establishment of a new organics processing plant, procuring Ecogas as the new long-term organics processor.

Councillors also approved a short-term option for managing kerbside organics until the new plant is operational. All kerbside organics are now being processed indoors at the Organics Processing Plant in Bromley and as of 19 January 2024 all material that had previously been stored outdoors was removed clearing the site completely of any compost material.

A timeline showing how the new Ōtautahi organics processing facility in Hornby was provided by staff on 21 March. The new facility is expected to be fully operational by December 2026.

September 2023

The Community Board made a submission to the Council to advocate for the Organics Processing Plant to be moved on 21 September 2023. The Chair and Deputy Chair continue to raise and advocate for this at the monthly Council meetings.

Measures of success:

Receiving regular updates and information on the progress being made at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Progress to date:
Measures of success:

Receiving regular monitoring updates from ECan on reported odours etc. in the East. See a decrease in complaints from residents about odour and midge activity.

Progress to date:

March 2024

Community Governance staff have supported the monitoring team in connecting with residents to install a sensor at Mecca Place in Bromley to monitor air quality.

Measures of success:

A plan change approved by Council to better regulate/ control industrial activities in close proximity to residential areas.

Progress to date:
Measures of success:

Support funding for a dedicated Estuary/wetland Ranger in recognition of the special ecological values of these areas.

Progress to date:

With funding support from the Community Board the Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust have coordinated and/or delivered the following initiates in the Waitai area as part of the 2020-2030 Estuary Managment Plan.

  • South New Brighton Park restoration – working bee once a month to plant, mulch, weed and prune along the Ihutai between Bridge Street and the jetty off Beatty Street.
  • Thistledown Wetland Reserve restoration – volunteers meet every last Saturday of the month to plant, mulch prune and clear the stream.
  • Annual Farewell to the Godwits ceremony in collaboration with Southshore Residents Association
  • Mother of All clean-ups – 56 community groups and several kura groups collected 2.3 tonnes of rubbish
  • Mugford Drain Restoration Project – working with Council rangers, Forest and Bird Youth Club the Trust meet one Saturday each month to work on a 20 hectare section along Anzac Drive that is now part of Bexley Park.


With funding support from the Community Board the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network (ORHN) have coordinated and delivered the following:

  • Raised awareness and advocacy on bin behaviour and the opportunities for Council parks to be bin free to change mindsets and move to the Department of Conservation model of “take you litter with you.”
  • Gathered scientific data and submitted on the environmental impact of operations at Port Link for the awa
  • Laura Kent Reserve restoration project – working bees the first Saturday of every month
  • Steamwharfe Stream – working bees the last Saturday of every month
Measures of success:

Support funding for initiatives to improve health of waterways and biodiversity by reducing contaminants and pollution and reducing sediment in river/ wetland environments; increasing riparian planting; prioritisation of delivery of stormwater and flood management basins.

Progress to date:

March 2024

With funding support from the Community Board the Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust have coordinated and/or delivered the following initiates in the Waitai area as part of the 2020-2030 Estuary Managment Plan.

  • South New Brighton Park restoration – working bee once a month to plant, mulch, weed and prune along the Ihutai between Bridge Street and the jetty off Beatty Street.
  • Thistledown Wetland Reserve restoration – volunteers meet every last Saturday of the month to plant, mulch prune and clear the stream.
  • Annual Farewell to the Godwits ceremony in collaboration with Southshore Residents Association
  • Mother of All clean-ups – 56 community groups and several kura groups collected 2.3 tonnes of rubbish
  • Mugford Drain Restoration Project – working with Council rangers, Forest and Bird Youth Club the Trust meet one Saturday each month to work on a 20 hectare section along Anzac Drive that is now part of Bexley Park

Measures of success:

The Estuary is better protected from disturbance from dogs, with better signage and compliance with bylaws.

Progress to date:

March 2024

With the support in funding received from the Waitai Community Board the Styx Living Laboratory Trust have delivered the following activations, projects and events to raise awareness and supporting enhancement of the Pūharakekenui (Styx) River catchment:

  • Styx Trap Library
  • Underwater Wednesdays
  • 5 x Working bees to clear invasive weeds and plant native at Christine Heremaia Field Centre and Styx Loops Conservation Reserve
  • 2 x Bus tours around the middle Styx and Ka Putahi Creek catchment
  • Produced a quartley newsletter The Styx Pūharakekenui as well as contributed articles of interest to The Styx Post Community Newsletter.
  • Delivered Educational talks and tours to various organisations including Haka Tours, Marshall Hall Trust
  • Hosted 5 kura as part of their educational programmes
  • Planted 4,200 trees in the Pūharakekenui Esplanade Reserve
  • Fish survey sampling five streams
  • Hīkoi ki Pūtahi event as part of the 2024 Christchurch Hertiage Festival
Measures of success:

Work with the community to identify and develop positive social and recreational spaces for the community across the board area.

Progress to date:

September 2023

The Board have received two briefings regarding significant Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor Regeneration Plan projects including Avon Park redevelopment and Kerrs Reach Activity Zone. 27 planting events totalling 4058 volunteer hours, 29 restoration maintenance events totalling 2379 hours and community garden reported activity has resulted in 2551 volunteer hours having taken place in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor between 1 November 2022 and 18 September 2023.

September 2023

The Waitai Community Board supported the following groups with funding through the Strengthening Communities Funding round:

  • Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust - $2,000
  • Styx Living Laboratory Trust - $2,000
  • Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network Incorporated - $1,750

Two groups were supported through the Council Sustainability Fund with projects in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.

September 2023

Temporary projects/Activations in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor: - New project in Dallington which is a rangatahi led bike building project on Moyna Avenue.