Read updates on our plans to improve access to community facilities
Measures of Success:

Seeing the All Saints Community Facility completed.

Progress to date:

March 2024

Construction of the Facility continues to progress towards completion at the end of 2024. The former foundry building is now in position and work is beginning on the framing for the remainder of the building. Staff are investigating funding options to support the completion of outdoor community spaces as part of the project.

September 2023

All Saints Construction has begun with site works underway. Staff are working with All Saints to source funding to support the completion of the outdoor community space.

Measures of success:

Support the Marshlands Hall Trust to progress towards commencing a community facility in the Prestons area.

Progress to date:

March 2024

Staff continue to support the trust in sourcing funding to continue the operation of the Annual Marshlands Community Day as well as other community awareness projects. In addition, support is being given to resourcing a business case for the facility to enable the trust to source other financial support from community or philanthropic funders. As part of the draft Long-Term Plan (LTP) adopted by council there currently is approximately $3,500,000 allocated across 2032 and 2033 to design and build a new Community Centre for the Preston’s/Marshland community. As this is still in draft phase it is subject to consultation to be adopted into the LTP for 2024-34.

September 2023

Staff are supporting the Marshlands Hall Trust to grow their community awareness and impact work through funding guidance for the Annual Marshlands Community Day.