Measures of Success:
Ensure that the matter is included in community board submissions to appropriate consultations.
Progress to date:
September 2024
As an outcome of the Long Term Plan, a new capital programme fund of $20 million per year starting in FY27 for addressing and resolving regular surface flooding at sites identified against a priority matrix established by Council in FY25 and FY26 has been established. The Cygnet Street Catchment to be included in this review.
March 2024
The Board will be reminded during its preparation of a Long Term Plan Submission to advocate for:
Improvements to the levels of service in the Board area, an equity lens to ensure adequate funding to build resilience within all our communities, council funding and subsides for green infrastructure, resolutions and relief of flooding issues in areas where there are particular challenges.
Measures of success:
Monitor regular Hybris reporting in the monthly Community Board area report.
Progress to date:
Measures of success:
Increased number of tickets generated and issues resolved through use of the app.
Progress to date:
March 2024
At the March Elevate Youth Hui staff arranged for Council engagement team staff to attend and present on the long-term plan submission and engagement process. Representatives from 8 organisations who work with Rangatahi attended. The Hui was an opportunity for these groups to engage with Christchurch City Council Staff regarding the Long-Term Plan Submission process and as a collective discuss ways to increase the number of submissions from both Youth Organisations and their Youth Advisory groups from across the East.
Measures of success:
Improved resident’s satisfaction through the annual survey within the board area.
Progress to date:
March 2024
Staff attended the 2023 Affirm event, promoting several council initiatives and projects including the Snap, Send, Solve app. As part of the Aranui Streets for People project, staff are investigating ways to promote the use of snap send solve across the Aranui Community through various methods which could include signage/wayfinding and street/pathway art.
September 2023
The Community Board continue to receive monthly Hybris reports and Governance Staff have scheduled a briefing with staff on 26 October 2023 to discuss the Hybris reports and to have a better understanding of the statistics provided.
September 2024
The Aranui Streets for People Project has been completed. At its meeting on 10 June 2024, the Board resolved the final permanent changes to the local streets.
CRAF projects are still ongoing.
March 2024
Due to changes in govt funding all of the CERF (Transport Choices) projects are currently being put on hold, this includes the CERF.
The Aranui Streets for people project is currently in its final installation phase after an amended trial proposal was approved by the Community Board in December 2023. Since implementation there has been alterations made to the initial installation because of community feedback. Consultation will remain open throughout the trial phase with design changes able to be made based on the feedback received throughout the trial phase.
September 2023
The Streets for People – Aranui Connections delivery timeframes have been updated to better align with the 2023/24 summer school holidays. After the three design Jam sessions held with local school students from Haeata Community Campus, St James School and Chisnalwood Intermediate, community consultation will now be conducted during a single one-month pre-trial period. Approval from the Community Board to proceed with the project will be sought in late October. The project will be rolled out as a three-month trial, with monthly checkpoints on public feedback and changes made accordingly. A final recommendation on whether changes should remain will be made to the Community Board in June 2024.