Read updates on our plans for the New Brighton Mall
Measures of Success:

Ensure that these matters are included in community board submissions to appropriate consultations.

Progress to date:

March 2024

New Brighton Mall

Martini Investments owned by the Harris family have now purchased twelve New Brighton Mall properties and work has started on developing these. Whilst this has seen the closure of more businesses namely WholeFoods and XOXO Cafe leaving more shops derelict, work has started on developing these with refurbishment of a number of shops already underway. The investors are actively working with Greater New Brighton to integrate the Village Green project the Community Leadership Group are focusing the CEAT funding on.

The Community Board continue to support New Brighton Project through their Strengthening Communities Fund

to run the popular Seaside Market every Saturday which activates the Mall area and supports local businesses, artists and performers by attracting in large crowds, boosting economic activity for Brighton’s CBD. The Board also supported Stitch-O-Mat and Brighton Gallery Trust with funding which has allowed them to continue renting their respective shops within Brighton Mall and activate what would otherwise be empty derelict premises.

Measures of success:

Receive regular briefings and updates on progress of these key projects with clear timelines and deliverables.

Progress to date:

March 2024

The Board will be reminded during its preparation of a Long Term Plan Submission to advocate for:

Progression of the New Brighton Masterplan, funding to be brought forward to make improvements to the New Brighton Public Realm to align with other planned works, the progression of the Oram Avenue extension, incentives for landowners to care for their derelict premises and sites, the extension of the City Vacant Differential Rate to the New Brighton mall by July 2024.

Measures of success:

Collaborate with key stakeholders, local businesses, community, CEAT Community Leadership Group, and council to deliver upgrade of the mall as one project.

Progress to date:

March 2024

ORAM Avenue

Demolition of the former Westpac building is now complete. The Driftwood Council of Brighton are taking this on as one of their projects, working alongside ChristchurchNZ and Council supporting some temporary activations to brighten up the space until the corridor can be completed.

September 2023

Governance Staff have met with the Project Manager and New Brighton Project incorporated to give some guidance as to how the demolition of the Westpac building will impact the Seaside Market. New Brighton Project now have the information they need to adapt their market lay-out to accommodate the cordons which will impinge on the pavement area directly outside of the Westpac building. The project team are hoping to have the demolition completed in time for the Santa Parade in December 2023.

The Community Board have received a memorandum (a copy of which is attached to the 9 October 2023 Area Report) and an additional update provided on 19 September 2023 advising that the demolition will commence on 25 September and it is anticipated to be completed by 1 December 2023.

Measures of success:

Ensuring funding is on budget in the LTP to prioritise delivery of all stages of New Brighton Master Plan.

Progress to date:

September 2023

The New Brighton Project have been proactive in reporting on specific derelict buildings that are posing a safety risk along Brighton Mall. Staff have encouraged them to use the Snap Send Solve app to keep reporting on it to raise awareness of the risk caused by mall buildings falling into disrepair.

Measures of success:

See works begin on the ground.

Progress to date:

March 2024

CEAT Funding

Representatives Community Leadership Group made a presentation to the Community Board on the 23 February 2023. They have since been meeting every two weeks, discussing options with the landowner and working with the designers on the concept design, making the changes community feedback has offered. The CLG anticipate they will be able to release the final design within the next couple of months.

March 2024

Renew Brighton launched Te Pēke Kai in September 2023. This is an initiative aimed at addressing challenge to food security due to the increasing food prices and cost of living. Te Pēke Kai sources produce from local growers to sell at as low a price as possible to community. After their initiate launch the initiative has been review and made some adjustments to how they run operationally based on feedback from the community. Te Pēke Kai now has two local pick-up points, central New Brighton and their newest location at Common Ground in South Brighton.

The Community Board gave support through a grant to New Brighton Community Fridge and Pantry in September to enable the group to weather firstly the newly introduced fees and then change of supplier after FoodBank Canterbury disestablished. Whilst the Pantry address the more acute needs in the community for kai, they are also an integral part of the food resilience action plan for Greater Brighton.

The Biological Husbandry Trust continue to employ their Whānau Ora kaimahi who has been working with families in the East, several from New Brighton to help them establish their own garden beds, grow and harvest food and connect with other household nearby to collaborate on what they grow, swapping excess and seeds. Positive Directions Trust are also providing this hands-on approach to addressing kai security having teamed up with New Brighton Community Gardens to offer their Māra Kai project, a service which provides a starter kit to grow your own vegetable garden.

September 2023

ReNew Brighton presented to the Community Board on 11September around their research into kai security. From this data collected ReNew are trialling a pop-up grocery shop aiming to sell affordable vegetables and other products at 20% less than the cost at supermarkets. The shop is due to be launched on 23 September 2023.