
Replacement for key New Brighton bridge

9 August 2024

Today Christchurch City Councillors approved plans to construct a new Pages Road Bridge and upgrade surrounding streets.

Key changes include a replacement bridge, new T-intersection and traffic lights to replace the Pages Road, Hawke Street and Seaview Road roundabout, Pages Road westbound increasing to two lanes, underground utility upgrades, and other intersection modifications, kerb buildouts, pedestrian crossings and parking changes.

“The Pages Road Bridge is one of the city’s most important transport priorities, it is a key lifeline to New Brighton and is the top ranked resilience project for the Council. I’m so pleased we’ve reached this milestone decision today,” Acting Mayor Pauline Cotter said.

The bridge, which was built in 1931, is currently operating at 15-20% of the New Building Standards so is earthquake prone.

“As well as being more resilient, the replacement bridge will have increased capacity in emergency evacuations and will be built at a higher level allowing for sea level rise and incorporating future stop banks along the Ōtākaro Avon River,” Acting Mayor Cotter said.

“Work in the surrounding area will also provide more walking and cycling connectivity to New Brighton.”

The current roundabout area will also become a small park featuring the existing palm tree.

The new bridge and traffic lights will be slightly north of the current position, so the existing bridge can be used while construction is underway.

The entire project is currently estimated to cost about $80 million. However, staff will continue to refine costs as detailed design work progresses.

The Council ran early engagement and public consultation throughout 2023. A Hearings Panel met in 2024 to consider submissions and make the recommendations approved by the Council today.

Staff made a number of changes to the design to incorporate feedback received during consultation and the Hearings Panel process.

“I want to acknowledge staff and the Councillors on the Hearings Panel for the hard work they have put in. Now we can get on with detailed design and keep momentum going,” Acting Mayor Cotter said.

Read the report