
Transport projects approved for the East

21 February 2024

Shirley intersections

Two Shirley intersections in the top 1% of crash prone areas in Christchurch will be revamped to improve safety.

The Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board approved changes to the Shirley Road, Warrington Street and Hills Road intersection. During a joint meeting with the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board, it also gave the green light to upgrades at the nearby Shirley Road, New Brighton Road, Marshland Road and North Parade intersection.

Shirley, Hills and Warrington work includes a safe speed platform covering the intersection, raised pedestrian crossings on the Shirley Road slip lane, and a new green turning arrow from Hills Road into Warrington Street.

Changes at the Shirley, Marshland, New Brighton and North Parade intersection include safe speed platforms on all approaches, the removal of the left slip lane from Shirley Road into Marshland Road, a new traffic island on New Brighton Road.

Travis Road, Bower Avenue and Rookwood Avenue

Safety improvements have been confirmed for the Travis Road, Bower Avenue and Rookwood Avenue roundabout in New Brighton.

Speed humps and bike sharrow markings (shared bike – car lane) will be added on each approach, the left-turn lane on Travis Road will be removed to increase the footpath width, and larger pedestrian refuge islands will be added.

The Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board approved the proposal, which was put forward in response to concerns raised by residents.

Bridge Street and Estuary Road Roundabout

The key route in and out of South New Brighton will get a makeover following community reports of feeling unsafe from high speeds and poor visibility.

The Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board approved Bridge Street and Estuary Road roundabout improvements, which will include new speed humps and bike sharrows at all , no stopping lines and pedestrian warning signs. Timed parking will also be included for local businesses.

New tactile pavers and cycle holding rails will ensure consistency and accessibility.