
Councillors are about to finalise Christchurch's draft budget for the next decade

9 February 2024

Christchurch City
On Wednesday 14 February, councillors will debate and settle on the proposed rates figure, and the projects and services that Christchurch City Council intends to deliver over the next 10 years.

At the moment, the Draft Long Term Plan 2024–2034 (LTP) proposes a 14.9% rates increase for the average household, and 15.84% across all ratepayers, for 2024/25.

Overall, it proposes a $16.4 billion budget over 10 years, with $4.8 billion of that planned to be spent in the next three.

Once formally adopted on Monday 11 March, the Draft LTP will go out for public feedback from Wednesday 13 March to Wednesday 17 April 2024. Read the report here.

Audit New Zealand, who audit the LTP, is waiting for clear direction from the Government on its changes to the Three Waters legislation, expected by the end of February. Audit New Zealand needs this direction to be able to provide the Council with an opinion on the draft LTP. The Council has therefore pushed back the formal adoption of the plan from its original date of 14 February to accommodate this. The original date for consultation to begin was 1 March.

“I am well aware that rates rises have a big impact on your back pocket,” says Mayor Phil Mauger.

“As a Council, we must balance the need to keep the cost to you as low as possible while still actually delivering the core services Christchurch wants us to.

“We are committed to protecting and investing in the city we all call home. As I have often said, this city is the best place to live, work, play and invest in New Zealand. I know this because I’ve raised a family here, run a business and continue to take an active role in our city – and like you, I want Christchurch to succeed,” Mr Mauger says.

“Our Council is working to deliver what our city needs for success and we’d love to have you alongside us as we plan out the next decade. So, take a moment and tell us what matters most to you.”

Other main proposals include:

  • $7.4 billion operational spend from 2024–2034. This is spending on the day-to-day services the Council provides.
  • $6.25 billion capital spend invested into the city from 2024–2034. This is spending on the construction of facilities and infrastructure.
  • Borrowing $2.3 billion for the capital programme and repaying $1.2 billion of existing debt.
  • A range of measures to support preparation for climate change and to deal with unexpected events.

More details of all the proposals will be available when the Draft Long Term Plan 2024–2034 goes out for public feedback.