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Draft Long Term Plan consultation closed

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What Matters Most? The results are in!

Thanks for telling us what core services matter most to you. Over the course of July until mid-August 2023, 4,000 participants from across Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula completed the What Matters Most activity to tell us what matters most, by allocating 100 points across 17 of our core services.

Take a look at the findings below and how these differ across the city and Banks Peninsula.

The five services that matter most to you

  • Climate change

    67% of participants allocated an average of 16.2 points.

  • Drinking water

    83% of participants allocated an average of 14 points.

  • Roads and footpaths

    71% of participants allocated an average of 12.8 points.

  • Travel choice

    58% of participants allocated an average of 11.7 points.

  • Parks and gardens

    78% of participants allocated an average of 11.1 points.

To understand what matters most to participants across Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula, we look at both how many people allocated points to each of the core services, and also how many points those people allocated on average (out of 100 points). The average points exclude those who didn't allocate any points to the service.

The percentage shows how many people allocated any numbers of points to the service - it tells us to how many people that service matters to some degree. The average number of points from those who allocated points to the service, tells us how much of a priority that service was to participants, in relation to the other services.

For example, overall, fewer people allocated points to climate change (67 %), but those who did, tended to allocate more points compared to other services.

Ranking by average points based on participants who allocated points to that service

Ranking by percentage of participants who allocated any number of points to the service

Climate change (16.2 points)

Drinking water (83% participants)

Drinking water (14.0 points)

Parks and gardens (78% participants)

Roads and footpaths (12.8 points)

Stormwater and drainage (72% participants)

Travel choice (11.7 points)

Waste and recycling (71% participants)

Parks and gardens (11.1 points)

Roads and footpaths (71% participants)

Stormwater and drainage (10.0 points)

Wastewater (68% participants)

Wastewater (9.1 points)

Climate change (67% participants)

Waste and recycling (8.9 points)

Civil Defence Emergency Management (63% participants)

Recreation and sport (8.7 points)

Recreation and sport (63% participants)

Christchurch City Libraries (8.4 points)

Christchurch City libraries (61% participants)

Civil Defence Emergency Managment (8.0 points)

Travel choice (58% participants)

Enabling development (7.6 points)

Community spaces (55% participants)

Events (7.3 points)

Events (54% participants)

Community development (6.7 points)

Community development (45% participants)

Community spaces (6.7 points)

Enabling development and activities (43% participants)

Promoting Ōtautahi Christchurch (5.4 points)

Christchurch Art Gallery (39% participants)

Christchurch Art Gallery (4.9 points)

Promoting Ōtautahi Christchurch (36% participants)

What matters most by community board area

Click on the icons on the map to find out which services matter most in each community board area. Your community board will make a submission on the Long Term Plan to Council on behalf of your area.

What matters most findings by Community Board areas. Priorities are mostly consistent across our community board area, with climate change, drinking water, roads and footpaths, travel choice and parks and gardens among the most important services, in slig

Want to know more?

Take a look at the full findings about what matters most and how they differ are across the city, Banks Peninsula and different demographics.


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Let's kōrero

What do you think should be our main focus for spending and service delivery?

Should we focus on the long-term progress and future of our city, even if it means that we will need to spend more? Or on reducing spending and rates increases, even if it means that we will need to make changes to or reduce some of our services? Or simply on maintaining what we already have before we add anything new?

How do we balance the needs of today's residents with tackling the challenges our children will face?

Our Strategic Priorities

On 5 April 2023, the Council adopted the new draft Strategic Framework for the purpose of informing the development of the 2024–2034 Long Term Plan.

Ngāi Tahu has rangatiratanga over its takiwā - the Council is committed to partnering with Ngāi Tahu to achieve meaningful outcomes that benefit the whole community.

The Strategic Framework provides the foundation for our long-term plan and guides the allocation of effort and resources. The new framework has changes to both the community outcomes and strategic priorities.

Community outcomes are required by the Local Government Act (LGA). This year they have been reshaped to show a clearer alignment to the four aspects of wellbeing as set out in the LGA (economic, cultural, social, environmental).

These high-level outcomes don't change greatly over time, but our immediate priorities can. Our Council has adopted a set of six strategic priorities it wants to focus on this term.

These priorities reflect key issues for our communities, where councillors want to see a change in approach or an increase in focus.

Our focus for this term (2022 - 2025)

  • Be an inclusive and equitable city which puts people at the centre of developing our city and district, prioritising wellbeing, accessibility and connection
  • Champion Ōtautahi-Christchurch and collaborate to build our role as a leading Aotearoa New Zealand city.
  • Build trust and confidence in the Council through meaningful partnerships and communication, listening to and working with residents.
  • Reduce emissions as a council and as a city, and invest in adaptation and resilience, leading a city-wide response to climate change while protecting our indigenous biodiversity, water bodies and tree canopy.
  • Manage ratepayers' money wisely, delivering quality core services to the whole community and addressing the issues that are important to our residents.
  • Actively balance the needs of today's residents with the needs of future generations, with the aim of leaving no one behind.

A collaborative confident city

Our residents have the opportunity to actively participate in the community and city life, have a strong sense of belonging and identity, and feel safe.

A green, liveable city

Our neighborhoods and communities are accessible and well connected, supporting our goals to reduce emissions, build climate resilience and protect and regenerate the environment, especially our biodiversity, water bodies and tree canopy.

A cultural powerhouse city

Our diverse communities are supported to understand and protect their heritage, purse their arts, cultural and sporting interests, and contribute to making our city a creative, cultural and events 'powerhouse'.

A thriving and prosperous city

Our city is a great place for people, business and investment where we can all grow our potential, where enterprises are innovative and smart, and where together we raise productivity and reduce emissions.

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