Consultation closed
People were able to provide feedback from 21 August to 18 September 2024.
You will be able to read their full feedback and the staff recommendation once an agenda is available for the Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board meeting, which we expect to be in February 2025.
You can also view a table of issues, suggestions and questions from consultation with staff responses by clicking the button above.
Barnett Park is a well-used community reserve that serves many organisations and clubs, among these are the Redcliffs Residents Association, who have been working with Council Park Rangers to regenerate the area. The residents' association approached the Council to get guidance on the appropriate planting areas and potential projects in the park. As a result, we're developing a draft landscape plan to guide planting efforts and future improvements.
The draft plan, which you can view below, proposes designated planting zones and recommended species to help both the community and Council with restoration efforts. It also sets out future improvements which could include new track connections, interpretive signage, waterway improvements, and upgrades to park entrances.
Are there any additional opportunities or features that we should consider? Check out the plan and complete the survey below.
Draft Barnett Park Valley Landscape Plan
If you're a mobile user - once you've opened the map to full screen, double tap the part of the map you'd like to zoom up on.

We're proposing drain stabilisation work on Rifle Range Stream to increase its resilience to erosion and flooding.
The proposed work will include:
- Replacement of the pedestrian bridge. This is currently being undermined by the increased flow of water in the stream during flooding events
- Stabilisation of the steep banks to limit erosion and sedimentation
- Enhancement of pools and eddies to encourage the growth of aquatic fauna habitat
- Native riparian planting of the banks
The proposed landscape plan will not impact how dogs can be exercised in the reserve.
The zoning of the Barnett Park conservation area requires dogs to be 'under effective control'. This means that the owner or person in charge of a dog is aware of where and what the dog is doing, and that the dog is responsive to commands and is not creating a nuisance.
There is no change proposed to this zoning.
The proposed landscape plan will not change where or how sport and recreation occurs in the reserve.
The proposal identifies and marks out the same sports, recreation and playground areas as currently used.