Consultation closed
Consultation on Sumner's 'the Beach' proposal has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 1 November to 3 December 2024. You will be able to read their feedback and the staff recommendation once an agenda is available for the Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board meeting, which we expect to be in February 2025.
The agenda for the upcoming decision meeting, community feedback and community board decision for this project will be posted on the updates tab below when available.
The Council is seeking feedback on the Christchurch Yacht Club's proposal for building works at their leased facilities at 239 Main Road, Moncks Bay. As they lease the site from the Council, they need Council approval to move forward with their plans.
What's proposed:
- Construction of a new storage building along the southwestern boundary
- Extending the existing wharf to the northwest of the clubhouse
- Installing a new concrete slipway for launching boats on the western boundary
- A new gate between the proposed storage building and existing club house.
The new building will provide storage for rescue boats and junior dinghy’s which are currently stored in the open or under the clubhouse. There are no changes to site fencing being proposed.
While the Club holds an exclusive use right over their site, including the wharf and pontoon, they have always welcomed public use of their outdoor spaces and will continue to do so.
The building work will remain within the footprint of their leased site. Planning and building consent will be required separate to this process and will need to be advanced by the Club.
Building costs would be covered by the Club, and not the Council.