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We have received funding to renew Slater Street between Shirley Road and Warden Street. At the same time, we're planning some upgrades that will encourage vehicles to travel at safer speeds and improve access for all road users.

What we're doing

On this section of the road the berm and footpath will be fully reconstructed including removal of the existing kerb and dish channel.

Two sections of the road will also be narrowed to six metres to help reinforce a slower speed environment.

One of these narrowed sections will have a speed hump, and the other a cobbled surface. At the Shirley Road intersection, the existing speed hump will also be replaced.

To allow for the road narrowing in the two sections six parking spaces will need to be removed.

The existing trees on the street will also be removed for the footpath renewal but also because they are in poor health and have begun impacting powerlines and waterpipes. However, even more new trees will be replanted, using narrow cherry trees and Lagerstroemia, which are better suited around utilities. The new trees will be younger than the existing ones and take a few years to mature to a similar size.

Our tree policy requires us to replace any tree removed with two. The renewal plan allows for 21 trees to be planted on this section of the street so we will be investigating opportunities to plant the additional trees in other areas around the surrounding neighbourhood.

The proposed landscaping and tree species have also been designed to be consistent with other streets in the neighbourhood.

Finally, we also plan to upgrade the street lighting in this section to meet the latest standards.

The plan

Click on the icons within the map to see the proposed changes.

The Detail

Important factors

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