Decisions made
Having considered all feedback, the Community Board and Council decided to approve option C - a road, kerb and gutter renewal, with a bi-directional cycleway, shared path with raised platforms, speed humps, pedestrian safety improvements and bus stop upgrades.
The Community Board made two amendments for staff to investigate:
- Moving the crossing point by the exit of the New Brighton Surf Club car park further south towards He Puna Taimoana
- Reducing the size of the buildouts at the Lonsdale / Marine Parade intersection
You can read the community board and Council minutes and watch the decision being made by clicking the find out more button above.
Work on this project is expected to start in September 2025.
In May this year, Council consulted with the New Brighton community on two plans for Marine Parade:
Community feedback was split between option A and neither option, indicating that the project needed further development. A number of submitters asked for another option that renewed the road on Marine Parade, increased safety for pedestrians and cyclists but did not remove significant amounts of on-road parking to ease the difficulty of finding parking near the beach for locals and visitors. We also received a number of requests from local residents and community groups to investigate a shared path option.
Option C
This option includes a road, kerb and gutter renewal, with a bi-directional cycleway, shared path with raised platforms, speed humps, pedestrian safety improvements and bus stop upgrades
Based on the feedback, the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board asked Council to develop a third option for Marine Parade. This option aims to meet the needs of as many residents and visitors to the area as possible, while remaining within the project budget. This option includes:
- A road renewal on Marine Parade between Hawke Street and 187 Marine Parade.
- An on-road bi-directional cycleway on the dune side of the road between Hawke Street and Lonsdale Street.
- A shared path between Lonsdale Street and Bowhill Road – between the parking bays and dunes, where there is currently a narrow gravel path.
- The bi-directional cycleway and shared path would also have three 150mm raised platforms along it to slow cyclists down at points along the path where cyclists may join alongside pedestrians. These raised platforms will not affect the main road.
- Narrowing the road on Marine Parade between Hawke Street and Lonsdale Street so the cycleway and car parking can fit together in the road corridor.
- Removing a total of 12 carparks on Marine Parade between Rawhiti Avenue and Bowhill Road (two on-street car parks and 10 parks in parking bays).
- A zebra crossing and pedestrian island on Marine Parade close to Hawke Street.
- A pedestrian island and kerb buildouts at the entrance to New Brighton beach car park.
- Bus stop upgrades along Marine Parade by painting new boundary lines. Tactile pavers will also be installed at some bus stops.
- New speed humps at the Rawhiti Avenue / Marine Parade intersection.
- Renewed kerb and gutter between Lonsdale Street and 142 Marine Parade.
- Removing garden beds and trees along the parking bays. Replacement trees will be planted next to the sand dunes.
Click here to see the plan for more detail on parking loss, tree removal and road narrowing.
New Brighton Beach car park
To view these interactive images better on mobile, please turn your phone sideways

Lonsdale Street intersection

Rawhiti Avenue intersection

Bowhill Road intersection

Cost estimate
Option C is estimated to cost $5.6 million. This increased cost incorporates $1.6 million for the bi-directional cycleway and shared path.
You can see more detailed information for option A and B on the previous consultation page.
Option C includes renewing 185 metres of Marine Parade with asphalt, from Hawke Street to 187 Marine Parade. This asphalt treatment accounts for $1 million of the total cost of the project and could be replaced with chipseal, which would cost $115,000, bringing the total cost for this option down to $4.7 million.
Regardless of which option and treatment is chosen the surf club carpark entrance, bi-directional cycleway and shared path will be paved with asphalt for durability.
Questions and answers
We will get back to you as soon as possible, however for more technical questions this may take a number of days.